How To Improve “Expertise” in EAT Score (2021)
Expertise is a critical element in EAT score, and its improvement is essential for your ranking. In this post we’ll be taking a look at some steps to improve the element of expertise in the EAT score . Incidentally EAT stands for expertise, authority and trustworthiness. And it has fast become a determining factor for your site ranking by Google.
Before we go further, a bit of definition first.
The Oxford dictionary defines expertise as being “very knowledgeable about or skillful in a particular area”.
But is this enough to define the term “expertise” about online content?
Well no,I think this definition is insufficient to cover the term. Particularly if you aim to improve your expertise in EAT score.
Here’s the thing …
For massive search engine like Google, mere data doesn’t suffice.
And now you’re wondering why.
Why Expertise Is Important For EAT Score
Your content also has to infuse assurance of your expertise. That is primarily possible through an accredited expert for YMYL topics.And through an experiential expert in non-YMYL topics (don’t worry we’ll uncover “YMYL” in a bit).
Without further diversion, consider this.
Where would you go if you wanted information on cute puppies?
I’m sure you notice here, that you’re possibly engaging with feelings and subjectivity. So You could head over to any suitable website that informs you and entertains you about cute looking pups.
Contrast that with a query regarding dosage of a drug that has possible adverse affect on an existing ailment in your body.
Now you’re dealing with life saving(or threatening) questions. And so, you’d prefer to check out a critical expert, instead of an entertaining website.
Obviously these two examples are extreme contrasts and have sharply differing impacts on your life. This is what Google is sensitive to.
And based on that sensitivity ,the search engine operates through guidelines that determine the expertise of your content. One criteria out of that guideline is called the EAT score (EAT stands for expertise, authority and trustworthiness)
Guess what ?
You also want to understand what this all about and, as a result ,improve that element of “expertise” in your EAT score. Wouldn’t you?
Well, read on.
What Is The Element Of Expertise In EAT Score ?
Website’s Expertise Or Content Creator’s Expertise.
When creating content on the site whose expertise is taken into account? Is it the site’s expertise? Or is it the content writer’s expertise that is important?
Well, over time it is becoming increasingly clear that the content creator has a major role to play in establishing expertise. For example, what ever the website maybe specializing in, the reader wants answers and assurance about critical queries only from subject experts.
Here’s how it works
If someone wants information on severe eye-infection he would most likely prefer to check out an eye specialist’s inputs about it. Now your website maybe dealing in medical matters. But even then, if advice on severe eye infection is not written by an eye specialist it’s likely that the reader will bounce away. He will like to visit other sites that offer advice on eye-infection from a specialists.
This is one of the main reasons why your content writer’s credentials (and thus his expertise) matter more than the site’s own subject/domain itself.
The expertise of the content creator takes precedence over the website’s status.
But does that mean that the content writer’s expertise is important for all topics? What about experience based topics like entertainment, or humour, or recipes?
And this brings us to the topic of YMYL and non-YMYL subjects.
Expertise In YMYL And Non-YMYL Topics
Today two major subject categories are related to EAT score, which automatically applies to expertise as well. The two categories are YMYL and non-YMYL.
YMYL Subjects YMYL stands for “your money your life” and it relates to facets that directly impact a person’s health, legal security, and financial well being.For example legal transactions, medical advice, financial dealings have a direct impact on a person’s well being.
That’s why all YMYL content is better received by your readers if you possess an accreditation or degree to back that advice in your content. Those formal degrees define your expertise. They are reassuring for the reader and instill confidence in him.

Non-YMYL Subjects Non-YMYL topics, on the other hand, don’t necessarily require official credentials to establish your expertise. Your experience,instead ,proves your expertise in that area. Hence someone who’s had first hand experience in an activity is better positioned to offer advice.
Here’s an example.It may sound funny but I’m sure it conveys the point
Say,for instance, your query is “what does it feel like being bankrupt?”
Notice you want to learn about an experience, and not the causes and consequences of bankruptcy.
So who’s the right expert guy to answer this thing?
Here, a person who’s actually undergone a bankruptcy situation is better poised to describe the granular experience of trauma.
Ironically in spite of this being a financial subject, an acclaimed chartered accountant doesn’t qualify for the expertise of the experience. So the bankrupt person becomes a non-YMYL “ subject expert” in this case.
Now this is important ….
In all such cases Google is interested in the expertise presented by the content.Not just the expertise claimed by website. That means to say that the content should be sourced from an expert. Which means the content is originating from an expert with professional degrees, for YMYL subjects.And for non- YMYL subjects experience takes precedence.
This brings another insight.
That there is value for everyday experience because it is interpreted by Google as “everyday expertise”.
And Google is generous to give credit for everyday expertise. So in our example of the bankrupt person, the sheer depth of a traumatic experience gives him an everyday expertise, which qualifies him as an expert in describing that experience.
But there is a missing link between the expert content creator and the audience. How does the reader know your expertise?
Well, it needs to be conveyed to the reader.
Communicating Expertise
Experts are thought leaders in their field.And with passing time, they usually build a reputation about mastery over a particular topic. But this expertise is of little use unless it is conveyed to the audience, to invoke confidence and trust.
Unless you realise the importance of this you’re unlikely to do the right thing.
So what’s the best strategy to assure the readers.
The proven and best way is to have readily available endorsements or credentials on your site for audience to see. The visitor to your page should be able to access your credentials on the website. They must know why they should trust your expertise.
In 2019 a Google Webmaster Central office-hours hangout John Mueller of Google affirmed that it is advisable to highlight the credentials of the person who has a lot of knowledge on a topic.
According to Mueller it is more important to offer a good UX (user experience) than only focus on the tech part of page performance.
With that in mind ,it makes good sense to have an author bio on your article.Some sites even do mark-ups of their pages for author bios.
Google SQEG And Expertise
Google determines expertise through its algorithms, including RankBrain. Besides its algorithms, Google also refers to a quality guideline called Search Quality Evaluator Guidelines (SQEG). This is a voluminous document that Google refers to, for working out the EAT score. So if you want to improve your expertise element in your EAT score you would like to refer to this document.
But to state in brief, SQEG determines the expertise of the main content (MC) based on various factors :-

Uniqueness (Originality).Your expertise is determined based on how similar or dissimilar your content is compared to other experts in the same field.
Comprehensiveness. Suppose you’re demonstrating your expertise in a particular field. Is your coverage comprehensive? Does your content cover a wide angle in the topic ?Does your content cross link knowledge areas and connect dots?
Deep Content. Is the content you’re presenting driven and focused? Is there depth and insight, which the average reader is ignorant of. Where depth and focus are necessary, long-form content is excellent for improving expertise in EAT score.
Accuracy . All said and done, no one wants to refer to data that is contradictory, or that is questionable in light of other similar findings online.Your content should be accurate and unambiguous to other experts . Unless strong proven scientific backing exits to support your new claim…This is particularly important for YMYL subjects.
Professional Presentation. The presentation by an amateur is often evident. In such cases the readers get an impression that content is a mere aggregation of ideas form different sources. But a professional expert will demonstrate his acumen through solid content, and also through a scientific/ professional supportive data- true to his expertise.
Consensus. Make sure that your data and content is not contradicted by known facts about a specific subject. There must be a general agreement from other sources too. And in case you do have something new to say, then your research findings should originate from reliable sources.
Type of Expertise and It’s Impact On the Audience
One crucial differentiation that Google’s SQEG determines is the type of expert information, and its implication for the reader. That’s because different type of information is expected to impact the life of the reader differently.
Let me explain that.
Which expertise, for instance, would you consider more critical between entertainment and physical health?
Clearly the importance of expert humour (entertainment) will vary from the importance of medical advice about a heart implant.
So what does that mean?
Essentially this, “scientific information (medicine, technology etc) needs backing of professional credentials because of the serious influence on life (and money) of people”.
That’s why, for a hobby like gardening, lack of professional credentials by a blogger maybe accepted by readers (and hence Google).
However, for expert advice on a heart implant, an amateur blogger’s input is unlikely to infuse confidence in the reader. That’s because the blogger cannot support his advice with professional credentials.
And this lack of professional accreditation becomes a “blocking criteria” in case the blogger is offering a unique proposition to the reader, which does not have a wider consensus.
So what’s the solution?
The solution is to focus on the purpose and message of the page and that of the website.
Your content must be in sync with the purpose of the page.
As an amateur blogger your advice on subjects of YMYL importance will not be accepted by readers, and hence by Google too.
That’s because Google’s center of gravity is the usefulness and relevance of content for the consumer(your reader).This is particularly crucial for evergreen content, which raises the bar for content on any website.
What’s Considered As Expert Content
Goolge determines expertise from the main content (MC) and the content creator’s stated credentials. However in such fields where no professional accreditation exists, Google also gives credit for “everyday expertise”, based on the experience of the creator.
You must be wondering where this is leading to.
Stay with me a bit.
Now remember, all along the objective is to improve expertise in EAT score. Right?
I invite you to take a break and look at a few examples. That should shine the light for us to understand something that appears elusive.
So, according Google’s SQEG guidelines, here are some examples of what’s expected in any expert content like:-
News And Journalistic Content This type of content should be presented within stringent editorial norms and it should be meticulous with facts and currency.
Medical-Advice Medical advice is invariable critical.And so the content should be produced by accredited medical professionals. This should also be regularly reviewed, edited and updated.
Financial Planning, Taxation And Legal Such advice should come from accredited professionals who are accepted as experts in these fields.
Non-YMYL Expertise Non YMYL expertise is also accepted, provided it is based on prolonged working in that area, and a good volume of experience. Such expertise is reinforced when accompanied by convincing testimonials, and endorsements by other experts in that field.
With this clarity about expertise, we can take a closer look at specific steps to improve expertise in EAT Score.
Specific Steps To Improve Expertise in EAT Score
1.Improve Expertise In EAT Score (YMYL content)
Readers often search for expert advise on crucial YMYL topics. On subjects like finances, taxation, medicine, law, government,current news,nationalities etc you will prefer to go with experts. That’s a no brainer.
So it is better for you to be an accredited professional in such subjects.
Or else what?
You enlist professionals to create content for you.
Besides the credibility injected by their professional status, their content will most likely contain greater depth and comprehensiveness.
That’s one way to improve your expertise in EAT Score.
2. Improve Expertise In EAT Score (Non-YMYL Content)
You can improve your expertise in EAT score even in the non-YMYL area.That’s possible because Google wisely appreciates that expertise exists, even in the unstructured region of non-YMYL fields.
For instance there are niches where enormous expertise is essential but there are less formal credentials available to prove that skill. Take the example of subjects like learning new foreign languages, sand art, playing drums, or flying drones.
So what’s the big secret?
Well, the big secret is humbling, and smart at the same time.
It is to acknowledge the fact that someone who is creating content on drone flying skills, or sand art is an expert based on his every day experience.
That’s precisely what Google has done.
In fact, Google has assured such everyday experts that it will not penalise them for lack of professional credentials.
However there are some steps that will enhance their professional standing among their audience. Here are a couple of pro tips:-
Prominently display your experience on your website
Let your audience know how may hours,weeks,years you have under your belt in that field
Tell them who all (among experts in your area) endorse your expertise, or your products
How many institutions appreciate your skills.
Inform your readers how many students you have trained, and where they are on their journey.
How many websites you are contributing to.
3.Expertise In Scientific Topics
Improve expertise in EAT score By ensuring that content on scientific topics is produced by experts or professional institutions possessing specific expertise in that area. Also make sure that your content has proven scientific consensus on subjects where such consensus prevails.
4. Focussed Content And Expertise in EAT Score
Any writer who wants to demonstrate his expertise has to stick to tight content. Stay within your own lane and travel deep into your area of expertise.
And,most importantly, take your reader along with you on a journey of learning or entertainment.
And then there’s something to be avoided.What’s that?
Its best Avoid spreading your content thin over a wide swathe of topics.
Here, the interesting thing is that long-form content has been usually observed to contain both depth of content, and comprehensiveness. So long-form content helps improving expertise in EAT score too.
So what happens if you don’t stay focussed?
Firstly, you lose out to your competition with a jack-of-all-trades strategy. Secondly your unfocussed content will fail to evoke interest or trust in your audience.
Surprisingly, that’s true even if you have deep knowledge or experience in a niche. This is why great quality user-focussed content is highly recommended by many authority sites like Semrush on SEO.
5. Include Expertise in your Meta data:
Your meta data setup should reflect expertise instead of emphasizing the usual scarcity or urgency of marketing tactics. This enhances your SERP listing and also your adds star value in your snippets. So you avoid that old “last offer remaining” pitch, and instead say something like “5 writers on this panel are XYZ accredited,” .
6.Showcase Recommendations from Known experts
In your specific field of expertise highlight recommendations or appreciation from other experts. If established experts in your field endorse you or recommend you it must be showcased on your website. Or if any leading institution in your domain recognizes your work, mention it in your about page or byline.
7. Emphasise References Or Reviews By Leading Experts
Whenever other experts in your niche refer to your work, or if they review your work, it signals existence of your own expertise. Get hold of such reviews and references if possible, and put them out for your audience to see.Eventually your expertise is also continually reinforcing your EAT score.This is precisely what Google’s Quality Rater Guidelines spell out in detail.
8. Highlight That Expertise.
When it comes to YMYL subjects you want an expert’s advice .Not an amateur’s. That’s why, common-sense tells a user to follow a review on a critical drug written by a medical professional, and not by a general blogger. So make sure that you underscore that professional background, because a medical degree or a PhD lends credibility to your content.
9.Author’s Bio.
It is always recommended to have a good author’s bio given out at the end of your articles.A couple of things to note about the author’s bio:-
• Experienced bloggers agree that it is much better to create an exclusive page devoted to authors bio on your website.
• A well crafted authors page stands out as a permanent beacon for your prospective audience.
• By itself, it affirms your status immensely.
• Moreover, additional information on the author, like a CV, or a link to another authority site significantly enhances an author’s position as an expert.
10. Add Author profiles
On your site setup author profileswith markup .Incidentally is a collaboration between search engines like Google,Yahoo!, Bing and Yandex. Here’s whats relevant
Schema is a well known semantic vocabulary of tags and you simply have to add it to your HTML. This way, you ease the way search engines read your pages in SERPs.
The results is rich snippets being displayed under the page titles when a reader searches on the search engine.
Alternately, you can also use Google’s Structured Data Markup Helper for this purpose.
While expertise is only a subset of the EAT score, this element is crucial to improve the element of “expertise” in your EAT score.
That’s because Google considers your EAT score as an important factor for ranking. For this, Google has a comprehensive guideline termed SQEG that it refers for determining the expertise in the EAT score.
Here it is noteworthy that for expertise in YMYL topics the SQEG criteria requires professional accreditation, but for non-YMYL topics everyday expertise is acceptable.
However in spite of the criteria for acceptance as an expert, certain pro steps are a essential for improving your expertise in the EAT score.
You want to bring assurance of your expertise to your readers. For that you need to ensure that your professional credentials are easily accessible to your readers, such as the author’s bio and author’s profile. You may also like to tweak your meta data to sync with the claimed expertise.
Overall it’s important to remind yourself that Google is more interested in awesome UX and not merely the tech-tweak of page-rank. So the expert’s expertise, and his content assumes higher precedence over other factors.