Create Exceptional Content Consistently With These 8 Best Strategies
Making sure your blog content consistently offers exceptionally high value to your followers, is vital for your success. The simple reason is because no one will come to read your blog, or find your deals if your content isn’t appealing to them.
Outstanding content is that which teaches, persuades, or entertains your visitors, while assisting you in achieving your business objectives. Such epic content is also purposeful, up-to-date, relevant, long-form, visually appealing, and SEO-friendly.
So in this article we will examine some excellent strategies for improving the quality of our content.
Let roll.
1.Know Your Target Audience
Firstly,you need to know whom you’re writing for, before you create any kind of content.

And just in case you’re not persuaded by the importance of your target reader, here’s a startling fact.
According to “the majority of marketers rarely conduct research, with 65% reporting seldom to none at all“.
Sadly there is a price to be paid for this neglect.
The blogger pays it. With loss of readership.
So who are you attempting to instruct, involve, inform, educate, and entice to take action?
When you start blogging its very important to be clear in your mind that you’re writing compelling, irresistible blog posts, not for yourself.
But for someone else
Your reader is that person.
That’s why it’s so important to understand what interests them, and what they enjoy the most.

And the easiest way to do so is to eliminate the element of surprise. This is only accomplished by doing audience research, and by knowing your audience well.
It seems tiresome. And it often seems time-consuming.
However, that’s not correct entirely.
Because the good news is that there are many research platforms available.And they’re superb for finding help in doing research.
Look out for them online. Then access those research platforms, and exploit them.
In fact you can find a lot of help in this article “The Real Truth About Knowing Your Target Audience Well“.
2.Know The Purpose Of Your Blog’s Content

Each piece of content you create for your blog should have its own intent and reason for being. You can craft it so much easier, if you clearly know what you’re trying to achieve.
One of the main goals of most bloggers is to enhance blog traffic.And it’s true that writing great blog posts will help you do that.
However, you can only accomplish that goal if you write the right blog posts, and have a reason for each one.
One question you should ask yourself is, “how will this blog post increase my blog traffic?”, before writing each one.
That clarity helps you decide whether that blog post, you’re planning to write, has potential for delivering on quality. Essentially it must lean towards good traffic,have low competition, and matche your niche branding.
This kind of purposing helps you in keyword analysis also.
And then there’s another interesting aspect to it.
Purposefully created content inevitably persuades readers, and adds value to their perspectives.
More significantly, purposeful writing connects .
Your followers will notice when you write a blog post with a reason. It’s going to be pretty evident in your prose.
3.Write More Long-Form Content
Long form content is normally understood as long,detailed articles.And usually their word count falls around 2000- 2500,and beyond.But that’s only the character of long form content. And that’s not all.
However this is important –
Long form content benefits your blog a lot with indexing, and traffic.
So, do write some longer and more in-depth articles. Because that’s an excellent way of leveraging of your blog’s real estate.
The best part is,Google rewards comprehensive,long form content with higher rankings.That’s because of Google’s own objective.
What’s that?
The objective is that users on the internet should be able to easily access detailed information.
So here’s the interesting thing…
HubSpot published a survey in 2015.
On their Hubspot Marketing site, they looked at a total of 6,192 blog posts.In reality, they looked into the relationship between high-performing organic search pages and their word count.
And what was the study’s conclusion?

The posts, which had a count of over 2250, drew a ton of traffic.
4.Incorporate Some Short Form Content
In comparison to long articles that address subjects in greater detail, most short-form pieces offer a general overview of their subject due to their small word count.
Short-form content includes individual tweets and other equally brief social media messages.
So short-form blog posts of 300-600 words are also a great idea.
Matter of fact, do have some shorter content that answers your audience’s questions.Content that breaks down the knowledge you want to teach them into manageable chunks.
These could be articles ranging from 450 to 800 words in each article.
Let me slightly lift the veil here.
Take this short HuffPost article “How To Whiten Your Teeth At Home Fast” .
It makes an awesome quick read, and simply captivates the reader.
5. Include Relevant Trends.
Remember that news happens.
Regardless of what your content plan says.

So if you don’t have the trending news, you risk being perceived as a “non- expert“.And what’s more? You risk sending your visitors elsewhere to get that information.
That’s why even curating trending content is preferable to avoiding it, or falling behind the curve.
Real-time tracking of trending issues online is one of the most popular strategies for marketing (PR), social media, and lead generation.
Have you noticed something online, lately?
Customers are constantly interested about trending topics on the internet.
Twitter, for example is particular about topics that are currently trending on the net. That’s because what’s common right now might not have been popular an hour or two ago.
So how do you create a strategy for dealing with hot topics?
Well, for one thing,make sure that you do your content research diligently before creating your post.
Before you build your marketing strategy, make sure you consider the following:
1) What is the cause of the topic’s popularity?
2) Where is the trending topic located?
3) Is it possible for your brand to bring value to the conversation?
4) Do you have any current content that could be used to address this issue?
5) Is it possible to relate your content to the conversation?
In any case, you can’t afford to forget a critical fact .
It is that the main objective of superb content is to offer readers reliable information.
But that isn’t all.They also desire something fresh.And that’s your responsibility as a content creater.
6. Use High-Quality Visual Content
Using pictures that are high quality actual photos that you take yourself, improves the appearance of your blog significantly. With images and videos, you can leverage the power of visual content immensely.
Visual content is an extremely effective medium because the brain absorbs and synthesizes visual content faster than other stimuli.
It’s even better if you can brand those pictures. The photos you use in each blog post must help your readers understand your message.

And they should invariably evoke feelings.Emotions.
Don’t you wish you knew a hidden ingredient that could make your posts go viral?
Well, the truth is there isn’t any such thing as a hidden secret.
But one thing is for certain: how you play with images has a significant impact on whether you succeed or fail.
So what’s my point?
The importance of photographs, video, and infographics cannot be overstated.
Using eye-catching photos in your content always says a lot more than a wall of text.
However, make sure the picture or video is appropriate.
And besides, you can’t afford to miss this…
Video has gained so much mileage of late that believes that great content must have video
Eventually,healthy visual content literally sinks into the reader’s teeth.
As a result, the chances of creating a viral blog post skyrocket.
According to comprehensive analysis, blog posts with photographs or video receive 94 percent more views than those without. And images can almost double the number of people who see your message.
Also,the posts with images receive over 100% the number of comments as posts without images.
7.Use A Variety Of Content Formats
Its good to use a variety of content formats. So start using more than just text-based posts.
Infographics, template and checklist downloads, text blog entries, and video are all good options.
This will make your blog seem even more interesting.
Infographics help you to condense a lot of details into a single image that is both visually appealing and digestible.
What would you prefer to see if you had fifteen different statistics from a case study?
An infographic with visual representations, maps, and graphics next to the stats? Or just a bulleted list?

At the end of the day your content (including visual content) must solve a problem for the reader.
But wait , there’s more.
Templates and checklist downloads are another kind of excellent lead magnets. They’re a valuable resource that users can return to, and they don’t take much time or money to create.
The best way to use them is to give them in return for an email subscription.So advertise them at the end of your blogs and videos.
The other significant content format is videos.
While video isn’t always linked to “content marketing,” it should be. We need to include video in our content marketing strategy because it is engaging, interactive, and more audiences watch video than read text.
8.Focus On Your SEO
Even if your audience doesn’t realise it, successful SEO benefits both you and your visitors.
Strong SEO essentially means using correct names, subheadings, and keywords that your target audience is involved in.

But what exactly is the impact of keywords on creation of exceptional content?
Stay with me now.
Essentially, keywords involve a clear understanding of search intent and integration of keywords in the content.That’s one big reason why keyword optimisation is so vital for your content.
But that’s not all.
The design of a blog matters as well. That look and feel aspect is significant for readers,because it constructs a positive perception about the blog’s value.
The view your audience has of your content, as well as the quality of the information you provide, play a big role in active consumption of content.
Putting out amazing high-value blog content on a frequent and consistent basis, does help you get recognised as the expert on your subject within your niche.
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At all costs, honour your readers. Create content for them,since everything revolves around them. It’s not about you or your transient blog post.
Also know why you’re doing what you’re doing.
For example,if you’re going to have visual content in your posts, why are you going about it this way? Don’t do things just because they’re expected of you. But do things because your reader is at the centre-stage.
For that, make sure you create high-quality content.