Blog Commenting For Better SEO: A Surefire Path To Top Search Rankings (2023)

Blog commenting for better SEO is your rocket to online glory in the broad digital environment.

It’s not just about gathering SEO gold (those attractive backlinks), but also about building a blogging community.

Essentially, blog commenting is a form of engagement that builds links for SEO. It favors high-DA sites, uses creative content marketing techniques, and increases traffic through backlinks. Overall, beneficial blog comments boost Search ranks.

It’s also a wise strategy for advertising your fantastic content.

But there’s a catch: be selective about platforms because the online game is always evolving. Also, be clear about the factors involved in blog commenting.

For instance, what’s the relationship between Domain Authority and PageRank?

Remember, they resemble shifting sands.

We’ll examine these aspects and more in this article. Let’s dive straight in.

Brief History Of Blog Commenting:

Early Blogging (Late 1990s – Early 2000s):

The idea of blogging first emerged in the mid 1990s, with the introduction of platforms such as Open Diary and LiveJournal.

Initially, blogs were more akin to online diaries in which people expressed their own views and experiences.

Friends and a tiny community were the only ones that interacted.

Introduction to Commenting (Early 2000s):

As blogs grew in popularity, several early bloggers began to include comment areas in their postings.

This enabled readers to submit comments or participate in debates directly on the blog.

However, commenting systems were frequently primitive, and interactions were mostly limited to bloggers and their immediate readership.

Growth of Blogging Platforms (Mid-2000s):

Blogging systems such as Blogger and WordPress have made it simpler to establish a blog.

These sites contained commenting systems, which encouraged even more connection and involvement.

Today, thanks to these platforms, blog comments have gradually become a regular feature.

Comment Spam and Moderation (Mid-2000s):

Comment spam became a concern as blog commenting became more popular.

Blogs were bombarded with irrelevant or promoted comments by automated bots and spammers.

To counteract spam, bloggers have to install comment moderation and CAPTCHA systems.

Emergence of Blog Communities (Mid-2000s–Late 2000s):

Online blog communities like BlogCatalog and MyBlogLog allow bloggers to connect and discover each other’s blogs more easily.

These communities often had features that promoted inter-blog commenting and interaction.

Integration of Social Media (Late 2000s – Early 2010s):

With the emergence of social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter, blog comments began to transcend the confines of the site itself.
Many blogs have social sharing and commenting features that allow users to share and debate content on their social sites.

The Era of Disqus and Other Commenting Systems (2010s):

Disqus and other third-party commenting systems became popular.

They started providing bloggers with more advanced moderation tools, real-time notifications, and improved user experiences for commenters.

The Decline of Traditional Blog Comments (2010s – 2020s):

While commenting remained an essential part of blogging, some blogs saw a decline in traditional commenting.

That’s because of social media platforms. They soon became the primary medium for discussion and sharing.

The Revival of Blog Comments (2020s):

Despite the rise of social media, blog comments have regained popularity in recent years.

Bloggers understand the importance of establishing community and participation on their platforms, resulting in a rebirth of smart, meaningful comments.

Blog commenting is still evolving today, with writers experimenting with new techniques to foster interactions and build lively online communities around their content.

It is still an important component of blogging since it allows readers to voice their ideas, ask questions, and engage with bloggers and other readers.

Top High-Quality Blog Commenting Sites

Blog commenting has developed as a powerful tool in the dynamic world of digital marketing and SEO

It provides a wide range of benefits. This includes backlinks for SEO, and the opportunity to network with other bloggers.

The most significant advantage is having a platform for presenting your content to a larger audience.

blog commenting for SEO

That’s why experts advise you to choose high-quality platforms that actually improve your online presence. This also helps to maximize the impact of blog commenting.

This post gives a hand-picked list of the top high-quality blog commenting platforms.

Each of these platforms was chosen because of its reputation and success. And also because they offer an important interaction option for bloggers and website owners.

The fact is that these websites are more than simply places to leave comments. They are living communities with a wealth of intelligent exchanges, partnerships, and networking possibilities.

Non-functional URLs

While we present the names and URLs of these recognized blog commenting services, it is important to keep in mind that the functionality of these URLs may change over time.

Websites undergo revisions, rebranding, or even domain changes as the digital world evolves.

These unavoidable changes have an impact on posts like this one.

What does that mean?

The URLs supplied here may not always act as functioning links.

However, you can quickly access these sites by copying and pasting the URLs into the address bar of your browser.

Also, make certain that you arrive at the correct website location to explore and interact with the blogging community.

The Fluidity Of Domain Authority

Domain Authority (DA) is an important indicator for determining the trustworthiness of a website.
It also has an impact on the digital world.

However, it is critical to understand that DA is not a fixed value.

Instead, it changes over time, driven by a variety of criteria, such as the number and quality of backlinks.

Then there are factors like content updates and modifications to search engine algorithms.

As a result, it’s critical to remember that these measures are vulnerable to change.

So it’s essential to remain up-to-date on the current DA scores using tools like Moz’s Link Explorer.
You can also use tools like Ahrefs to determine the long-term usefulness of these platforms for your SEO efforts.

In the next sections of this post, we will look deeper into the elements that make these commenting resources better options.

You’ll also learn how to maximize the rewards of connecting with them as a result of this.

List Of Top Websites For Blog Commenting

No.Website NameWebsite URLDomain Authority (DA)
1Smashing Magazinewww.smashingmagazine.com90
2Elegant Themes Blogwww.elegantthemes.com90
5WP Tavernwptavern.com57
6Torque Magazinetorquemag.io56
8Beaver Builder Blogwww.wpbeaverbuilder.com55
10Inspire to Thriveinspiretothrive.com39

Factors To Consider When Selecting Blog Commenting Sites

Blog commenting can be a strategic way to boost your online presence and engage with a broader audience, but not all blog commenting sites offer the same value.

Several crucial factors should guide your decision-making when choosing the right platforms for your commenting efforts.

1. Domain Authority and PageRank

One of the first factors to evaluate is the blog’s Domain Authority (DA) and PageRank (PR).

These indicators represent the credibility and influence of the website.

Higher DA and PR websites are frequently more useful.

They’re useful for making comments since the backlinks you get from them are more valuable (in the eyes of search engines).

So, how can you boost the SEO value of your blog commenting strategy?

Simply prioritizing sites with high DA and PR can help.

2. Niche Relevance

Another crucial consideration is relevance to your niche.

What happens when you leave comments on blogs in your niche?

Commenting on niche blogs guarantees that your messages reach their intended audience.

This type of relevancy drives more focused visitors to your website.

It also boosts your chances of making significant relationships with other bloggers and readers who share your interests and experiences.

3. Comment Moderation

For a good blog commenting experience, effective comment moderation is required.

Comment moderation means filtering user comments in order to maintain a suitable blog environment.

It also aids in the prevention of spam and objectionable information.

This, eventually, also contributes to the high quality of the discussions.

Finally, the user is satisfied. You let them know that their ideas are included in an important conversation.

So be sure that the blog commenting platforms you pick have a strong comment moderation mechanism in place.

4. Steps to Compile Your List

Now that you understand the key factors to consider when selecting blog commenting sites, here are steps you can follow to compile a list of high-quality platforms.

1.Taking Advantage of Hosting Offers

Consider taking advantage of hosting discounts or partnerships that provide lists of suggested blogs.

Bloggers and hosting companies frequently collaborate. They may also give curated lists of high-quality websites on a variety of topics.

This method saves time while also ensuring that you are connecting with credible blogs.

2. Making Use of SEO Tools

To locate websites with high DA, use SEO tools such as Moz’s Link Explorer, Ahrefs, SEMrush, or Majestic.

You may find authoritative blogs by inputting important keywords linked to your subject. Especially those that are likely to allow comments and provide useful backlinks.

3. Making Use of Search Engines

Conduct Google searches using phrases such as “best [your niche] blogs to comment on” or “high DA [your niche] blogs.”

SEO and blog commenting

Investigate the search results and evaluate the DA of the websites that show.

These search results frequently produce hidden treasures for blog commenting possibilities.

4. Examine Niche Forums and Communities

Niche-specific forums and communities are information gold mines.

They typically host conversations concerning blogs with commenting capabilities.

Participate in these discussions, ask for recommendations, and learn from other bloggers in your niche’s experiences.

5. Utilising Blogging Directories

Online blogging directories organize blogs according to niche, making it easy to find related sites that welcome comments.

These directories are excellent tools for compiling a list of possible commenting sites.

6. Participating in Social Media Groups

Joining social media communities about blogging or your topic may be a profitable tactic.

Members of the community frequently trade lists of blogs that welcome comments. They even provide suggestions based on their own experiences. These communities promote networking and assist you in discovering hidden treasures in the blogosphere.

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The Art Of Thoughtful Blog Commenting

Effective blog commenting is not just about leaving a digital footprint.

Rather it’s about creating meaningful interactions. It’s also about building your online presence in a respectful and authentic way.

To master the art of blog commenting, it’s crucial to adhere to the principles of genuine engagement. The secret is to add value while avoiding common pitfalls.

Genuine and Helpful Comments

Genuine comments are the lifeblood of important blog discussions.

When leaving a comment, make sure it’s genuine and related to the topic of the blog article.

Share your ideas and observations about the issue at hand.

Never forget this – authenticity is crucial.

Keep in mind that readers and bloggers can recognize generic comments a mile away.

In addition, focused on being valuable.

Your comments should positively add to the discussion.

So be generous with offering further insights or solutions to a problem raised in the post.

Your objective should be to improve the reader’s experience.

As a result, begin by providing value beyond what is already offered in the blog article.

Value-Adding Contributions

Blog comments that bring value to the discourse are the most valued.

Instead of merely repeating the post’s facts, try to elaborate on it. Share personal tales or examples that relate to the subject.

Pose thought-provoking questions that stimulate additional debate.

Participate with other commentators by replying to their ideas or providing helpful input.

Keep in mind that your remarks not only reflect on you but also on your website or brand. By regularly offering value, you position yourself as an expert in your field and earn the blogger’s confidence.This also includes their audience’s confidence.

Steer Clear of Spam and Self-Promotion

Spammy or self-promotional behavior is one of the most common dangers in blog commenting.

So make sure to refrain from writing comments only to promote your own website or products.

avoid self promotion in comments

Such inputs merely serve to distract from the quality of the conversation. They are also marked as spam by the host blogger.

More importantly, avoid making general or one-word statements.

In truth, such comments make little contribution to the discussion.

Instead, they often appear shallow, and fake.

The best alternative is to devote time to crafting intelligent, well-articulated comments. Create something that exhibits your knowledge and genuine interest in the subject.

Sincerity, helpfulness, and the capacity to offer value to the discussion are the best ingredients for thoughtful blog commenting.

The little-known secret is that by leaving genuine, smart comments and refraining from spamming, you establish yourself as a respected member of the blogging community.

You also make useful contacts and improve your online visibility.

Remember, that engaging in meaningful conversation is the key to enjoying the full advantages of blog commenting. And that’s good for both personal and professional progress.

Enhancing Blog Commenting for SEO

Blog commenting, when done strategically, can be a powerful tool for improving your website’s SEO and expanding your online presence.

To maximize the SEO benefits of blog commenting, it’s essential to follow a set of best practices that contribute to your overall digital marketing strategy.

Read More: Leverage User Intent For Better SEO (And Rank Higher In SERPs)

Mistakes In Blog Commenting For SEO:

Blog commenting usually comes with a set of guidelines and etiquette.

But if they’re disregarded, it can lead to counterproductive results.

Understanding and avoiding some common mistakes in blog commenting is crucial for the right way to comment on blogs.


First and foremost, relevance is key.

Irrelevant blog comments are harmful since they choke the comment area. They also detract from the main issue and waste both authors’ and readers’ time.

Worse, if they contain spammy links, they can undermine a blog’s trustworthiness and even affect its search engine rating.

To prevent this, bloggers apply comment moderation and hence filter out spammy content. But it harms your credibility

Overly Self-Promotional Comments:

Normally it’s acceptable to include a relevant link to your website.

But using comments primarily for self-promotion is a definite no-no.

Excessive links, sales pitches, or unrelated promotions can make you appear insincere.

Avoid it.

Negative or Offensive Comments:

Respect and courtesy are essential in blog commenting.

Negativity or offensive language is detrimental to both your reputation and the atmosphere of the community.

Negative or offensive comments can damage your online reputation and create a hostile atmosphere.

So make sure you engage in constructive discussions, even when expressing dissenting opinions, in a respectful and considerate manner.

Comment guidelines exist for a reason; ignoring them can result in rejected comments.

Ignoring Comment Guidelines:

Bloggers frequently have comment policies in place to ensure the quality of debates.

These include word limitations, formatting requirements, or moderation regulations.

Ignoring these criteria can cause your comments to be rejected or reported as spam.

Always read and follow the blog’s guidelines.

Not Engaging with Others:

Building ties within the blogging community is one of the key benefits of blog commenting.

Failure to connect with other commentators by not replying to their contributions means missing out potential conversations and networking possibilities.

Quantity Over Quality:

A typical error is to comment for the sake of quantity rather than quality.

Although quick, shallow comments may appear to boost your online profile, they seldom add value to the topic.

Instead, concentrate on making thoughtful, substantial remarks that bring value to the discourse.

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Common Mistakes To Avoid In Blog Commenting

Here are some common mistakes to avoid while crafting blog content

1. Irrelevant CommentsUsing comments solely for self-promotion, including excessive links to your own content, products, or services, can come across as spammy.
2. Overly Self-Promotional CommentsFailing to adhere to the blog’s comment guidelines, such as word limits, formatting rules, or moderation policies, leads to rejected comments.
3. Generic or One-Word CommentsWriting brief, generic, or one-word comments that lack substance and fail to contribute meaningfully to the discussion.
4. Negative or Offensive CommentsFailing to adhere to the blog’s comment guidelines, such as word limits, formatting rules, or moderation policies, leads to rejected comments.
5. Ignoring Comment GuidelinesFailing to adhere to the blog’s comment guidelines, such as word limits, formatting rules, or moderation policies, leading to rejected comments.
6. Not Engaging with OthersNeglecting to engage with other commenters by responding to their comments or acknowledging their contributions, missing opportunities for valuable interactions.
7. Quantity Over QualityPrioritizing the quantity of comments over their quality often results in rushed or superficial contributions that don’t add value to the discussion.

Tips For Effective Blog Commenting

1. Sticking to High-Quality Blogs

Quality should always take precedence over quantity when it comes to blog commenting.

Focus on high-quality blogs with authoritative content and a strong online presence.

These blogs are more likely to have a significant readership and carry more weight in the eyes of search engines. Comments on reputable sites can lead to valuable backlinks that boost your website’s SEO.

2. Relevance is Key

Relevance is a critical factor in blog commenting.

relevance is important

Choose blogs that are closely related to your niche or industry. Comments that are contextually relevant to the blog post and the discussion at hand are more likely to be approved.

For this very reason, they’re also appreciated by both the blogger and readers.

3. Adding Value to Discussions

Effective blog commenting entails more than simply posting a remark for the sake of leaving one.

Your contributions should offer value to the discussion. Share your thoughts, contribute further information, or pose intelligent questions to elicit additional conversation.

Beneficial comments not only boost your credibility but also motivate others to interact with you.

4. The Pitfalls of Self-Promotion

Avoid the temptation to utilize blog comments for obvious self-promotion.

Comments that are overly promotional may be seen as spam and may hurt your reputation.

Instead, concentrate on adding to the topic and interacting with other commenters and the author.

Genuine participation is more likely to produce beneficial effects.

5. Strategic Keyword Usage

Naturally incorporate important keywords into your comments.

This can help your comments appear higher in search engine results and drive more targeted visitors to your website.

However, make sure your keyword use is unobtrusive and contributes to the overall quality of your comment.

6. Optimizing Comment Anchor Text

Take note of the anchor text you use when leaving a link to your website in a remark.

Anchor text should be relevant to the information you’re connecting to and provide users context.

Avoid utilizing generic terms such as “click here” in favor of detailed anchor text.

7. Building Relationships

Blog commenting isn’t only for SEO.

It’s also a great way to meet people in your field. Respond to other commenters’ and the blogger’s remarks and contribute positively to the discourse.

Building relationships can lead to chances for collaboration and improved visibility.

8. Consistent Commenting

The key to enjoying the long-term SEO benefits of blog commenting is consistency.

Set aside time on a daily basis to interact with blogs in your niche.

By making insightful comments on high-quality sites on a frequent basis, you build your presence and authority in the community, which may lead to larger SEO advantages over time.

Effective blog commenting is a complicated strategy that includes selecting the appropriate sites, giving value to debates, and following SEO best practices.

Blog commenting, when done wisely and regularly, can increase the exposure of your website, generate targeted visitors, and establish useful relationships within your industry.


1. Is blog commenting a benefit for SEO?

Yes, when done strategically, blog comments do help SEO.

Engaging with high-quality blogs in your niche can result in links from other sites.

This increases the search engine ranking and organic traffic to your website.
However, the efficacy of blog commenting for SEO depends on factors such as the blog’s authority and the relevancy of your comments.

2. How can I write a good comment?

Focus on relevancy, value, and engagement while writing a good comment.

Ensure that your comment is relevant to the blog article, that it offers insights or questions to the debate, and that it does not contain self-promotion or spammy links.

In your tone and interactions, be courteous and considerate.

3. Does blog commenting increase backlinks?

Yes, when done strategically, blog comments do enhance backlinks.

When you leave a comment on a blog with a link to your website, you are creating a hyperlink from the blog to your site.

Because search engines consider backlinks to be signs of credibility, they have an impact on your site’s search engine optimization (SEO).

For successful results, it is critical to target high-quality sites that are relevant to your topic.

Comments that add value to the topic while avoiding spam are more likely to be allowed, garnering reader clicks and creating more backlinks.

However, employing blog commenting simply for link development might be detrimental to your online reputation.

4. How do you write a comment to express your opinion on the content?

To write such a comment, first attentively read the blog post.

Then, write a comment that expresses your opinion on the content. Ask pertinent questions, or add value to the debate.

Keep it short and sweet, and avoid self-promotion or spammy information.

5. How do you comment on a good blog post?

Begin by thanking the author for their work and addressing them directly.
Give your opinions or responses on the subject, along with helpful comments or inquiries.
Have a cheerful and courteous attitude throughout your remarks to promote constructive debate. Respond to other commentators’ comments when appropriate to engage in conversation. Don’t forget to grammar and clarity check your writing.

Glossary Of Blog Commenting

Glossary TermsExplanation
Comment moderationThe process of monitoring and managing comments on a blog to ensure they meet the website’s guidelines and maintain a positive online atmosphere.
Engaging with blog postsActively participating in discussions and showing interest in the content of blog posts through comments, fostering engagement and community.
Discussion forumsOnline platforms where users can exchange ideas and engage in conversations about various topics, often involving comments and replies.
Comment etiquetteUnwritten rules and guidelines governing respectful and appropriate behavior when leaving comments on blogs, emphasizing politeness and relevance.
Comment spamUnsolicited and often irrelevant comments that are posted solely for promotional or spammy purposes, typically against blog commenting policies.
Quality commentsThoughtful and substantive comments that contribute value to the blog post’s discussion, rather than generic or spammy remarks.
Guest commentingLeaving comments on blogs as a guest or visitor, often done to increase visibility, credibility, and backlinks for one’s own website.
Blog engagementActively participating in the online community by interacting with blog content, including reading, sharing, and commenting on posts.
Interaction on blogsThe engagement and communication between bloggers and their readers or between readers themselves through comments and discussions.
Commenting strategiesDeliberate approaches and techniques used to enhance the effectiveness of leaving comments on blogs for various purposes, such as SEO or relationship building.
Building relationships through commentsEstablishing connections and fostering a sense of community by consistently engaging with blog content and other commenters.
Meaningful contributionsComments that provide valuable insights, ask relevant questions, or share personal experiences, enhancing the overall discussion.
Commenting guidelinesComments that provide valuable insights, ask relevant questions, or share personal experiences, enhance the overall discussion.
Commenting best practicesProven methods and techniques for leaving effective and respectful comments on blogs, ensuring a positive impact.
Blog comment pluginsSoftware extensions or tools that enhance the functionality of blog comments, offering features like threaded replies, social media integration, or spam protection.
Commenting for SEOUtilizing blog comments strategically to improve search engine optimization, including targeting keywords, generating backlinks, and boosting website visibility.
Blog comment communitiesBlog-specific rules and recommendations for leaving comments, are often established by blog owners to maintain a positive environment.
Commenting as social proofUsing comments on blog posts as a form of social proof to demonstrate the popularity, credibility, and engagement of the content.
Commenting on niche blogsLeaving comments on blogs that cater to a specific and focused audience, often within a particular niche or industry.
Commenting frequencyGroups or networks of bloggers and commenters regularly interact with one another’s blogs, fostering a sense of community and mutual support.

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The fact is blog commenting for better SEO is a versatile strategy with substantial potential for enhancing online presence.

It goes beyond simple comments, acting as a way to actively interact with the online community, create connections, and support SEO initiatives.

It’s therefore important to select trusted blog commenting platforms.

Focusing on reliable blogs with high domain authority puts you in a successful position.
Engaging with prominent niche players also builds your reputation. Rather it guarantees that your efforts are appreciated.

Unquestionably, backlinks from high-DA sites greatly increase a website’s visibility in search results. In the cutthroat internet environment, they increase your search ranks and attract organic visitors.

It also provides a possibility for clever content marketing.

Well-written comments can pique readers’ curiosity and encourage them to explore your content in an indirect but effective way.

Online presence in the digital era needs engaged community involvement in your expertise.

So go ahead and embrace thoughtful blog commenting for better SEO as a strategic design in your digital marketing toolkit, and unlock its full potential.

6 thoughts on “Blog Commenting For Better SEO: A Surefire Path To Top Search Rankings (2023)”
    1. Commenting on blogs has always been a bit difficult, mainly because people don’t know where to comment.
      Hence, this list of sites has been included. I’m glad you liked it.
      Thanks for commenting.

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