Google AdSense On BlogSpot (How To Successfully Apply For It)

Google AdSense On BlogSpot (How To Successfully Apply For It)


One of the simplest and most efficient methods of profiting from your blog, is to use Google AdSense to monetize your website  with display advertising. However, even though it’s a simple concept, you’ll need to know a few details to be successful.

AdSense is essentially a publisher-to-advertiser advertising network. Here publishers (bloggers) link their websites to the ad network. And usually advertisers (businesses) compete to place ads on their sites. After the ad is placed on the site, whenever a  visitor clicks on it, the publisher receives a percentage of the advertiser’s ad bid.

One common question bloggers ask is “how much money can a blogger really earn from blogging?

Well, AdSense can actually enhance your BlogSpot earnings quickly. In fact, it is among the 9 best ways to make money blogging.

According to BlogTyrant  “AdSense offers a higher payout to publishers than many advertising networks on the market”.

However, a lot of bloggers who start off blogging on the  BlogSpot (free) platform face a lot of initial difficulty in obtaining approvals from AdSense

This article is about how to obtain AdSense approval for a BlogSpot  blogger.

What Is The Most Difficult Part Of Obtaining Adsense Approval?

Violations of Google AdSense conditions are one of the main reasons your AdSense application is rejected.

Google AdSense frequently rejects your application with numerous observations/violations.

These violations might range from ‘low-quality content’ to phrases like “Valuable content; inventory is under construction.”

That’s why new bloggers on BlogSpot (blogger) are initially frustrated  in their efforts to profit from their blogs.

without approval result is frustration

While BlogSpot isn’t the perfect platform for blogging, it’s not a total failure either. Remember there are a ton of successful bloggers who’re profiting from BlogSpot as well.

As a result, I recommend that you take heart and not be discouraged by these initial birth pangs on your BlogSpot blog. A temporary setback is not the same as a permanent failure.

There are a number of  ways to go about things correctly, so that your AdSense approvals do come in sooner.

Let’s have a look at the criteria for AdSense approval before we go any further.

What Are The AdSense  Criteria?


Your  own age should be over 18 years before you apply for Google adsense

Existence  of site.

For freshly  launched blogs, the AdSense tab is not active, however it should become active at some point.

Ideally, the site should be in  existence for at least 6 months before you’re approved. Though some sites do get approved even before that. It depends on various factors decided by Google AdSense.


Before a site can be accepted for Google AdSense, it must be up and operating with a representative sample of content.

Actually, when you sign up for AdSense, there are no minimum traffic requirements for your site.

Number Of Posts.

The accepted norm is that your BlogSpot blog should have at least 30 posts or more, for AdSense to approve it.

Quality Content

 Please bear in mind that Google AdSense does not approve blogs with copyright content that has been copied and pasted.

Preferably,a well-optimized blog post should have at least 1000 words and be 100 % original.

Google also favors content with a good UX (user experience). Essentially, this translates to having a great page experience.

Domain Type

TLD (top-level domain) extensions such as .com, .org, .net, .pro, and .info are the ideal domain names for adsense approval.

However even with a free domain like BlogSpot you can get AdSense approvals.There are plenty of live examples on the internet of the latter as well.

Adsense Policy Compliance

AdSense has its own policies, for which it demands compliance. Some of them include the fact that blog owners  must not click their own ads.

Also they mustn’t use any other  manual means to artificially inflate views and clicks.

don't generate false clicks

 Google ad clicks must be motivated by real user interest.

It is totally forbidden to use any approach that intentionally creates clicks (impressions) on your Google advertisements. You can learn more about these policies here.

Experiences Of Other Bloggers About Adsense Approval On Blogspot

A lot of similar experiences by other bloggers on BlogSpot have helped me compile a list of common occurrences when you apply for AdSense approval.

But before delving further, I want to emphasize one  encouraging fact;  that  an Adsense rejection is not everlasting.

There are always means to resolve  issues and obtain an AdSense approval.

Here are some common problems faced by bloggers.

Number  Of Posts.

Surprisingly, Google does not offer us  clear,comprehensive information on the eligibility of our websites.

However, what is clear by experience of other bloggers is that to be qualified, you do not need a specific number of posts or views.

Some bloggers haven’t been given AdSense approval even after 30 posts, and some have been approved with even less than 10 posts.

Apparently, quality of content is important over mere quantity, for Google.

Readiness Of The Blog.

policy violations in google adsense

According to your blog should be ready in all respects even before you apply for your AdSense approval.

It’s an observed fact that those bloggers who applied for AdSense after their blog design was fully completed experienced quicker results.

Violations Of Policy

AdSense may reject your BlogSpot blog due to a policy infringement. And a  policy breach might take numerous forms.

Valuable Content: Inventory Under Construction” is one of them.To resolve this issue, your blog must provide value to the user and be content-driven rather than ad-driven.

Time Required For Approval.

Typically, AdSense approvals take about 2-4 weeks to come through.

Though it can take less time as well, depending on the quality of your posts and satisfaction of other criteria.

However even after the approval comes in, sometimes bloggers forget simple actions like adding the AdSense code to their site.

Just make sure that doesn’t happen to you.

Don’t Use Other Ad Networks

While sending for Adsense approval it’s recommended that you don’t use other ad Networks.

Usually,the stats report that bloggers who applied only for Adsense approval fared better than those who applied for multiple ad networks.

Reapply For Approval.

Sometimes even after you do everything right,it may be difficult to obtain AdSense approval in the first attempt. For a variety of reasons, AdSense may reject your Blogger website in the initial attempt.

Once you’ve resolved an existing issue, you should resubmit your website for approval. Even after that it’s possible that you’ll get refused multiple times.

 Fortunately, there is no limit to how many times you can apply. So, do re-apply for your approval.

re apply for  approval in time
re apply for

And once your website meets the criteria, it’s only a question of time before it’s eventually authorized by AdSense.

So what is my point,in brief?

Its simple.

Persistence. Keep applying in case you’re not approved initially.

The trick is to treat every attempt as a first attempt, to avoid getting disheartened.Don’t forget, your persistence will bring you huge profits.

Quality Articles and Posts

It should be your goal as a blogger and content developer to write blog posts that people want to read.   

And to do so, you must first fulfil the promise you made in the title.

Include high-resolution visual content.

Increase credibility and authority by offering good references and statistics.

Your aim should be to fix the reader’s real life problems, educate him, or entertain him. Eventually quality content pays rich dividends.

So what’s the exact procedure for applying for AdSense?

Procedure Of Application For Adsense On Blogspot Blog

Once you’ve created a blog on BlogSpot, you’ll need to apply for AdSense approval.

Here are the recommended steps for doing that:-

1. Firstly create a Blogger Account.

2.Then head over to the Earnings Tab (under comments and above pages tab)

3.You’ll  find a button that reads “Sign Up for AdSense.”(in case your site is approved for AdSense)

4.Click on the “Sign Up” button.

5. Click the Association  button.

6.You should have an AdSense account by now, or you’ll be forced to create an account .

7.Enter accurate information as you follow the registration process.

8.Add the AdSense Code into your theme’s Head  Section.

9.It can be about 2 weeks for AdSense to evaluate your website.

10.Rectify issues before reapplying, in case you are rejected the first time.

These steps are pretty comprehensive in getting you a Google AdSense approval.

However, there is another area where bloggers make mistakes.

It’s about certain unwritten must-do tips for obtaining AdSense approval.

Secret  Tips  For Adsense Approval: (These Are  A Must)

There are a couple of crucial steps you cannot afford to miss out, while applying for AdSense approval.

Some of these are very simple to apply, but a lot of bloggers overlook them and hence fail to get any approval.

 I’m listing these “must have requirements” here:-

Contact Page  

Remember the famous Google EAT factor?

The fact is every reader subconsciously relies on trustworthiness before engaging with your website. No wonder Google accords so much importance to it.

contact page is important

And your contact page says a lot about that trust factor.

A contact page must carry information like an address and phone number. This establishes you as more trustworthy, than a brand that cannot be reached.

A contact page should ideally feature an email address, as well as a contact form for visitors to complete.

 You can also provide a business address, phone number, or contact information for specific employees or departments.

About Us Page  

One of the most significant pages on your blog or website is the About Us page. It is an opportunity for your visitors to learn more about your blog or site.

Through your “About Us” page you should tell your brand’s story, spell your mission statement, describe who you serve, and sketch out your site’s history.

Privacy Policy

Separating the privacy policy into a separate page is usually a great idea.

You need to assure your audience that no personal information is being collected or processed. In most case, such disclosure is sufficient.However you can throw in extra assurances.

Here are some provisions you might want to include in your Privacy Policy:

What kind of personal information do you collect and how do you use it?

How is the personal information collected used?

Cookie and other tracker information.

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One of the simplest and most effective ways to monetise your BlogSpot blog with display advertising is to use Google AdSense.

Many bloggers who start out on the free BlogSpot platform, on the other hand, have a hard time getting AdSense approval, at first.

One of the most common reasons for your AdSense application being refused is a violation of Google AdSense terms.

Usually, a variety of AdSense criteria need to be met, including the owner’s age, the site’s duration, policy compliance, and the number of posts. Despite this, AdSense rejections are common.

It appears that Google places a premium on content quality.

Finally, this post discusses several lesser-known “must have” tips for your BlogSpot blog that many newbie bloggers overlook. Pay attention to these specifics, and you’ll do well.

So what issues are you facing in getting AdSense approvals?

Let me know in the comments section.