Best Ways To Learn SEO From Home Free Of Cost

Can you learn SEO from home free of cost? The encouraging response is yes you can. In fact, you do not even need to be an SEO  professional to learn  SEO from home for free.

The first step is to persuade yourself that SEO is not difficult and you can succeed if others have done so. The only requirements are patience and a commitment to learning.

Not surprisingly, a lot of beginner bloggers want to learn SEO step by step for free, and they’re eager to learn SEO practically. Many of them want to learn SEO within a few months.

The fact is that they are anxious to advance quickly towards higher goals. And they don’t mind spending some time learning SEO from scratch for free,

But is it worthwhile to learn SEO from home free?

The quick answer is that learning SEO is incredibly empowering. And not just to generate traffic but also for future leads and sales.

According to online business experts, the Covid pandemic has highlighted the criticality of SEO more than ever.

Here’s what a recent article in  says about SEO, “Companies need to be agile and get in position to capitalize on demand surges with short-term wins while balancing this approach with the need to protect the brand long-term. Interest in SEO as a discipline is growing more than ever before.

The best way to learn SEO from home for free is to seek online courses that deliver this critical education free of cost.

And fortunately, there are a number of such courses available online. Most of these are free, but others may be affordable on a low budget.

Type Of Content Covered In “Learn-Free” SEO Courses

Digital education platforms or digital marketing firms typically offer SEO certifications. The majority of this is done online because of the nature of the task. At the end of a specific course, a certification is often awarded.

So what do these free online courses on SEO teach you?

Well, here’s the typical content of these courses:-

  • Introduction to SEO
  • Operation of Search Engines
  • Types of SEO
  • Competitor Intelligence And Keyword Research
  • Duplicate Content
  • Design And Architechture
  • Updates To Algorithms And Changes To SEO
  • Integrated SEO

Well, I’ve touched upon all these, and more, in the coming sections of this article.

So let’s dive in and take a look.

Introduction to SEO

The science of enhancing a website to make it more visible when people search for goods or services is known as search engine optimization (SEO).

 The likelihood that a brand will attract business increases with a website’s search engine presence.

In other words, SEO is essential because it increases the visibility of your website, which results in increased traffic and the opportunity to convert visitors into paying clients.

Operation of Search Engines

A search engine is simply a piece of software. It enables users to use keywords or phrases to get the information they’re looking for online.

Even with millions of websites available, search engines are able to deliver results swiftly. They do that by constantly monitoring the internet, and indexing every page they come across.

Utilizing their internal web crawlers, search engines scour tens of billions of pages. These search engine crawlers are also called bots or spiders.

And how do these crawlers or bots work?

learn SEO from home  free of cost

They navigate the entire Internet and scan online pages. Then they look for links on those pages. This way they find newly added pages.

This leads us to the crucial function of crawling and indexing by bots and spiders.

Crawling refers to Googlebot activity, where bots search for page content and try to comprehend the page content. For doing this, Google bots analyze the embedded content, images, and videos on the page.

Indexing is the simple process of making the page eligible for showing up on Google search. That means indexing makes your content qualified to be seen by online visitors if they’re searching for related content.

Types of SEO

On-page SEO  SEO (on-site SEO)

On-Page SEO refers to all the actions you do to increase the position of your website on search engine results pages (SERP).

On page SEO  involves writing excellent content with the sole intention of it being helpful to your website visitors.

This also includes the addition of meta tags to help Google bots better understand your content.

Apart from that, you add  HTML tags to highlight headings and other content parts. You also check for broken links and avoid duplicate content/pages.

 Next, it involves cleaning up the URL structure

It also means creating an organized naming scheme for related pages that belong to the same category.

On-page SEO also includes selecting reasonable-sized photos and creating file names that are descriptive.

Off-site (off-page) SEO.

Off-page SEO(off-site SEO) covers activities carried out to influence your ranks in search engine results pages (SERPs). But none of these actions are done on your own website.

It entails focusing on external ranking variables. This includes obtaining links from reputable websites.

It also involves employing social media marketing to its fullest potential.

Advanced off-page SEO actions involve branded SEO searches, and increasing engagement and shares on social media.

One interesting function of off-page SEO is obtaining good customer reviews on a variety of online forums.

Technical SEO

It primarily serves to make it easier for Google bots to successfully crawl, decipher, and index every page on your website for future usage.

Some technical SEO actions involved are:-

1.creating a  detailed XML sitemap.

2. Making the site mobile-friendly.

3. Providing structured data to pages so that web crawlers cab sort and categorize the pages. This sorting is done according to the type of content the pages contain.

Local SEO

When you optimize for local SEO searches, you stress upon Google that your company is situated in a certain region.

Local SEO is beneficial for any company that has a physical location or serves a specific region.

No wonder today, the common consensus is that having a proper address in a  city makes local SEO easy.

Google  reports that 28% of local smartphone searches result in a purchase, and 76% of those searches lead to a physical visit to the store.

 As a matter of fact, Google ranks the local search results using a different set of ranking variables, which makes local SEO distinctive.

So what does that imply?

It means helping Google show your business more frequently in search results. Particularly when relevant user queries increase in that business.

 And this is achieved by getting a higher rank in the  Local Pack/Map Pack.

Usually, a  business’s chances of surviving are significantly enhanced if your local audience can find you online.

Competitor Intelligence And Keyword Research

Competitive keyword analysis, put simply, is the process of identifying your true internet rivals.

It also entails figuring out what individual words or subjects are responsible for their popularity.

Interestingly, it’s noted that the competition that is closest to your content differs from the rivals it faces in the real world.

learn SEO competitor analysis from home

Hence you could be surprised to meet unexpected websites. At least they couldn’t be competing with you.

Let me explain 

For instance, there could be blogs that appear to compete with you, but they could only be offering some information that appears similar to your content. Or there could be shops that offer unrelated goods. Or websites that provide news or product reviews.

What competitor analysis SEO does is it analyses a range of websites. Especially those that regularly appear in the top places in the SERPs.

Once that is sorted out, competitor analysis gives you a verdict about who’s the actual competitor and who’s only a look alike.

Duplicate Content

Content that appears on the Internet in multiple places is referred to as duplicate content.

So what kind of “place” is implied here?

A place means any content having a “unique reference link” (URL)

Hence, you are said to have duplicate content if that same content appears at multiple web addresses.

But that creates some peculiar problems

Search engines can become confused if there is too much duplicate content on a website. And because of this, sometimes, the incorrect page starts outranking the correct one.

As a result, visitors could be dissatisfied, your traffic can suffer, and bounce rates can increase.

Eventually, this can result in SERP results that aren’t as accurate as they ought to be.

Design And Architechture

Developing a website and all of its pages is known as website design.

Put together, SEO web design refers to the planning and development of a website that is search engine friendly.

A website’s ideal design or architecture makes it simple for users (and search engine bots) to find the content they’re looking for.

Bots can more easily find and index all of your website’s pages if you have an efficient site architecture.

Now here’s the curious part.

Search engine bots will also have trouble locating and indexing pages on your website if they are several clicks away from your homepage.

The worst scenario is when some pages are not linked to any other page at all.

However, if the structure of your site is linked together, spiders can trace internal links to all of the pages on it.

High-priority pages will receive greater link authority or “link juice” (PageRank) when you internally link to them. This can really raise their Google ranking.

Updates To Algorithms And Changes To SEO

Google uses algorithms to quickly find the most relevant results for any user’s query. 

And how is this achieved? 

By using a number of ranking variables in the algorithms.

In this manner, websites are delivered on search engine results pages (SERPs)  and ranked according to relevance 

Google only performed a small number of algorithm adjustments in its early years. However now,  Google routinely makes tens of thousands of updates each year.

Here are some of the well-known updates to Google algorithms:-

1. Panda

2.Freshness Algorithm

3.Page Layout Algorithm


5.EMD (Exact Match Domain)





10.Quality Updates



In may 2021 the Google Page Experience Update Algorithm was released, and it has the potential of a far-reaching impact on page rankings.

Integrated SEO

Integrating SEO implies obtaining a synergy between multiple channels , including SEO in other fields of application.

So the term “integrated SEO” refers to combining SEO efforts with SEA (Search Engine Advertising ), affiliate marketing, PR, social media, email marketing, user experience/ user interface(UX/UI), and content marketing.

(By the way, I’ve also spoken about UX signals in the article “How To Learn SEO By Yourself From Scratch (2022)”)

Because it covers such a wide range of marketing strategies, SEO has many points of contact with all these fields.

In fact, it’s been proved beyond doubt now that operations on other channels have an impact on SEO, both directly and indirectly.

Therefore, it’s crucial to implement an integrated marketing strategy where one channel complements the others.

Eventually, this helps optimize marketing efforts and also improves customer experience with your business.


Learn SEO From Home Free For Digital Careers

Having seen the kind of SEO content in the free SEO courses, I ask this question again.

Why a career in SEO?

Well, the fact is opportunities for work are many. And the SEO field is still expanding. Numerous SEO positions include remote working options and flexible hours.

More importantly in an SEO career, experience determines salary. Hence, the more you learn and demonstrate achievement, the more you can earn.

Many businesses all around the world employ SEO specialists to create better content. This has invariably resulted in an increased number of business leads.

So what are the two main benefits of a successful SEO career?

Working closely with the customers, and contributing to the business’s steady growth. These are the greatest motivators and benefits of an SEO career.

Additionally, you will collaborate closely with the marketing department of your business. You will also be required to ensure that the content supports the goals and objectives.

Learn SEO from home

Skills Required For a Career In SEO

Now, to become a successful SEO professional, you need to acquire a specific set of skills. That’s why its actually an excellent idea to learn SEO by yourself from scratch. And if possible learn SEO from home free of cost.

So what are those skills we’re talking about?

1.Skill at Google tools (Google Analytics & Google Search Console)

2.Keyword research


4.Link Building

5.On Page SEO

6.A/B Testing

7.Technical SEO

8.Local SEO

9.Mobile SEO


Career Avenues (After You Learn SEO From Home Free)

Having spoken about the necessary SEO skill-set, what are the career avenues available to SEO professionals?

There are several SEO opportunities available for professionals. With this skill set in digital marketing one could apply for the following job profiles:

  • SEO Intern
  • SEO Specialist
  • Digital Marketing Executive
  • SEO Executive
  • Social Media Strategist
  • Social Media Manager
  • SEO Analyst

Online Courses Available To Learn SEO From Home Free

Google SEO Course

The top colleges and educational establishments in the world are available through Coursera’s 100% online learning program. Google SEO course is one such training available online for free.

Enroll in audit mode if you only want access to the talks and materials.

Each course includes pre-recorded videos, quizzes, and projects, making it similar to a participatory textbook.

Connect with thousands of other students to have discussions about the course material, engage in debates, and get assistance with concepts.

You receive a downloadable digital Course Certificate after finishing the course tasks, which you can add to your LinkedIn profile and CV.

Yoast’s Free SEO Training

The three main components of the course are Introduction to SEO, Content SEO, and Technical SEO.

For those who are new to the field, it serves as a crash course on SEO. Students without any prior SEO experience would do better with it.

And if you want to learn SEO on your own, it’s great.

It starts by describing the fundamentals of SEO, like how search engines operate.

Here is more information about Yoast’s Free SEO Training

Moz’s Free SEO Video Series (Learn SEO From Home Free)

There are six videos in the course, each lasting an hour, and they cover the following subjects:

1.SEO Strategy

2.Keyword Research

3.Searcher Satisfaction

4.On-page Optimization

5.Technical SEO

6.Link Building

You can learn SEO from home free with this video series by MOZ .

SEO Today: Strategies to Earn Trust, Rank High, and Stand Out

It takes around an hour to complete this Rand Fishkin video lesson. The subjects covered include:

1.SEO Best Practices for On-Page Optimization

2.Tips for making your website mobile-friendly

3.Strategies for obtaining greater ranks for your content through link building

4. Using structured data markup to optimize your content for rich snippets.

You can check out the free Skillshare course here

On-Page and Technical SEO Course (SEMRUSH)

Registration for this course is quick and cost-free. You will get the chance to learn how to use the SEO tool SEMRUSH while working on the course.

1.Tips for writing SEO-friendly content

2.HTTPS Issues  and Troubleshooting

3.Finding and Resolving Crawlability Problems

4.Tips for bettering your on-page SEO

5.Auditing your website for SEO

6.Exercising Log File Analyses

Here is more information about the On-page and technical SEO training (SEMRUSH).

SEO Training Course: Traffic for Business Growth (Hubspot)

This course’s notable characteristic is that it is not intended for novices.

Therefore, it would be best to familiarise yourself with SEO fundamentals from outside sources if you wish to master it on your own.

You can gain a solid understanding of important concepts like:-

1.Creating a search engine optimization strategy

2.Increasing the size of your link-building initiatives

3.How the HubSpot blog handles SEO

4.How to plan a guest blogging strategy and implement it.

You learn SEO from home free with this course from Hubspot here.

Free SEO Course (Reliablesoft)

This course from illustrates how the SEO procedure may influence the choices made by search engine algorithms.

The three main SEO sub-processes that are described are technical SEO, on-page SEO, and off-page SEO.

A checklist for SEO will also be given to you to keep you on track.

You can learn more about this free course from Reliablesoft here.

ClickMinded Learn SEO From Home Free   

The co-founder of Clickminded, Tommy Griffith, is the instructor of this free course.

Interestingly, he has also played a key role in developing the SEO plans for Paypal and Airbnb.

Additionally, as part of the course, you’ll get access to a number of SEO resources that are well worth analyzing.

This is in addition to learning first-hand how big businesses handle their SEO tactics.

You can learn SEO from home free, with this course from Clickminded here.

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If you want to learn SEO from home for free, it’s fairly possible. More than that it’s a crying need in today’s digital business environment. A website’s search engine visibility enhances the likelihood that a brand will draw customers.

And learning SEO from home free of cost is even more crucial for bloggers who want to succeed well.

Interestingly, SEO certifications are usually given by digital education platforms or digital marketing agencies. Mostly this is done online, which makes sense.

These courses also cover essential aspects of the operation of search engines, types of SEO, competitor intelligence and keyword research, duplicate content, design, and architecture, updates to algorithms, and Integrated SEO.

Fortunately, a number of courses are available online that teach you the basic nuances of SEO. Most of them charge nothing or at best a modest fee.

So my take is you should opt for any of these courses and learn SEO free from the comfort of your home.

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