21 Best Ways To Stay Motivated As A Newbie Blogger In 2023
Staying motivated as a newbie blogger has been an ongoing challenge in the blogging world for a long time.
According to Astutecopyblogging.com almost 80% of blogs are likely to fail within the next 18 months.
The unfortunate reality is that a large percentage of blogs fail because newbie bloggers lose motivation too early. They often give up and stop blogging altogether.
Especially if they don’t get the outcomes they had hoped for.
Therefore, if you’re still new to blogging and have questions about how to stay motivated as a new blogger, this post shows you how to do that.
Best Strategies To Stay Motivated As A New Blogger
1.Only Write About Topics That You’re Passionate About Personally
2.As A Newbie Blogger Never Compare Yourself With Other Bloggers
3.Blog Around Your Passion To Stay Motivated As A Newbie Blogger
4. Employ Productivity Strategies To Stay Motivated As A Newbie Blogger
5. Help Your Customers Gain From Fresh Articles
6. Start A Blog Content Plan.
7. Have A Business Plan For Your Blog.
8.Update and Post New Blog Content Consistently
9.Create Really Interesting Blog Content
10.Avoid The “Mad Blogger Mode”
11. As A Newbie Blogger Use Money For Motivation
12. Don’t Ever Think Of Quitting As A Newbie Blogger
13. Network With Other Bloggers.
Is it possible to learn how to stay motivated as a new blogger?
Yes, it is possible to learn the motivation for blogging. Though high motivation is crucial for blogging success, most newbie bloggers find it difficult to do so. But the good news is that one can practice, and cultivate the art of blogging motivation. In fact, remaining focused on your long-term goals is one of the best ways to stay motivated as a newbie blogger.
With that said, let’s take up the steps to stay motivated for blogging in the subsequent sections.
1. Only Write About Topics That You’re Passionate About Personally.
Just stay within your area of expertise and write about anything that captures your interest.
The biggest misconception about blogging is that there is no point in writing about subjects that have been written about hundreds of times before.
However, that is untrue.
Here’s why.
Jeff Bullas says this in an article on blogging for passion “This doesn’t happen overnight. You need to do something, get good at it, be passionate about it. This could take months or years, but if you’re having fun, that’s what’s most important.”
Keep in mind that people enjoy entertainment. And they do get interested in your content when your passion flows into it.
Likewise, they will read blogs that share fascinating experiences or otherwise intrigue them.
Now you must thus be thinking, “How can I amuse my viewers while maintaining the professionalism of my blog?
Well, the interesting fact is that curious readers are often drawn to blogs that cover difficult subjects they are less familiar with. This indicates that readers are eager to learn something new.
And here’s an interesting nugget on research about internet audiences: every day, a new internet user is created.

So what’s the advantage, if any? Well, the good news is your blog could be one of the first websites that they visit!
They might unwittingly learn something from you that deeply interests or helps them.
That’s how you build authority.
So here’s what you need to do to satisfy both readers’ and your own interests. You need to identify the subjects for which you have a love and expertise.
Of course, you don’t have to be an expert on the subject, but you must at the very least be enthusiastic about it.
Fortunately, you won’t have any trouble learning about a subject if you are passionate about it.
This kind of passion helps because you can then create new, captivating articles daily.
So initially, just focus on learning more about your area of passion and creating content.
Choose compelling titles for your articles. Go on writing. Things will move slowly at first, but that’s okay because it’s all part of the fun.
2. As A Newbie Blogger Never Compare Yourself With Other Bloggers
Keep The Reasons Behind Your Goals Clear
People always feel “deficient” when they start comparing themselves with other people.
As Psychology Today says “The recognition that your abilities are a notch above someone else’s can deliver a boost to your self-esteem. But comparisons can be harmful when they leave you feeling chronically inferior or depressed.“
Therefore, I believe it is crucial to reflect on why you’re acting in a certain way.
Is the goal to be first? Is the goal to be the most prosperous? Maybe yes, maybe no.
But what’s usually noticed is that people want to work at something they love full-time.
So it turns out that you don’t have to be the most popular blogger to do that.
That’s why goal setting is so important to help you stay motivated as a newbie blogger: it clears your mind of unnecessary distractions.
Assess Your Insecurities
Our insecurities sometimes compel us to compare with other bloggers.
You might be able to stop comparing yourself to other bloggers if you are aware of your purpose and goals.
However, it typically requires a little bit more.
Yes, goal setting does give you the inspirational boost you needed. But you still need to address the insecurities. Or they’ll resurface in a few months.
Every one of our own anxieties can always be managed in a variety of ways.
Personally, I find that reading excellent motivational books helps me overcome my insecurities and inspires me to improve my blog.
There Is Enough Space For All Bloggers On The Internet
There are many bloggers who have more followers than you, but that doesn’t mean that they will deny you any opportunities.
The truth is we can all fit in here!
In fact, the famous motivational leader, Stephen Covey coined the term abundant mindset in his best-seller, “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People”.
An abundance mindset is a concept in which a person believes there are “enough resources and achievement to share with others“
This runs counter to the scarcity mentality.
The scarcity mentality is based on the notion that if someone else succeeds, it means you lose.
This way the scarcity mindset supports harmful and wasteful competition.
Sadly, the scarcity mindset ignores the potential that all parties could win in a particular circumstance.
Hence, as a newbie blogger, the best attitude is to admit that the sky is the limit for both you and everyone else.
And this is what you need to do as a newbie blogger who wants to stay motivated.
3. Blog Around Your Passion To Stay Motivated As A Newbie Blogger
How To Know Your Genuine Interest?
If you’re fortunate enough to have a single, overriding passion, you should probably blog about that.
Do you exclusively work on aero model designs? Well, that’s your passion. Blog about it.
Do you only listen to Hawaiian guitar music all day long? That’s your deep interest. Now don’t dismiss it. Pour that passion into a blog.
If all goes well, your blog will ultimately be discovered and read by friends, family, and coworkers. That’s fantastic news because it helps you stay motivated as a new blogger.
This way you’ll get recognized for the blog posts you’ve written over the years.
So do consider what kinds of blog posts you’d like to be recognized for.
Be Open To Change In Blogging Interests
I want to be clear that with time, your passion may change.
Don’t wait until you’re sure you understand it, though.
In other words, even if you currently have a strong enthusiasm for baking cookies, your interests may shift in the future. You might decide to switch your menu to sushi-related meals.
Don’t wait until you are sure you will remain passionate about something; one of life’s joys is our ability to have ever-evolving interests.
If your enthusiasm does shift, the worst-case situation is that you can pay content managers to maintain the blog.
Or you could just sell your blog and start a new one. That’s actually not so terrible.
Benefits Of Blogging About Your Passion
The advantages of blogging about your interest should be clear from how much you enjoy your topic. And the fact that you want to share your knowledge.
Besides, there are still many other advantages.
You can influence others by sharing your value and skills.

You can use your own personal experiences to help people connect with and relate to your content.
You’ll be eager to share fresh ideas and learnings with your readers.
You’ll also see that you establish yourself as an authority in your field. And this has huge benefits.
You can launch products using this ability. Depending on your business, you could launch a well-known paid membership website or offer to mentor others.
- How To Select The Best Blog Topic For Long-Term Profitability
- Can You Earn From Full Time Blogging?(2022)
4. Productivity Tips For You To Stay Motivated As A Newbie Blogger
The Significance Of Fresh Content On Your Blog
The single most important productivity tip for a blogger is to keep generating fresh content, and new posts.
Why are new posts so important for your blog?
Well, firstly new posts add more content to your blog, which also adds value. And most people eagerly await reading good content to extract value from it.
Besides, more and more evidence says that fresh content increases the authority potential and value of your site.
It is advantageous when a customer learns from such content.
That’s because consumers often spread good content online, thereby sparking conversation among friends, etc. This way such helpful content spills into social media. And anything posted there generates a lot of views.
Remember, many users scroll on these platforms and learn about new innovations or updates about a topic.
Eventually, social media aids in conversions because more attention is drawn to your website as a result of effective content. So that’s how fresh content on your blog works to your advantage.
Also, as a newbie blogger, improving your blog’s ranking on Google is a priceless accomplishment. This is also great for increasing our authority and Google EAT score in the long run.
Importantly every blog post you publish adds another indexed page to your website.
This is a massive contribution to your blog’s SEO.
Additionally, having more links and indexed pages increases your chances of being found by visitors.
What Your Customers Gain From Fresh Articles
You will give customers the information they’re looking for by adding more new posts to your blog.
In fact, this happens to be the best productivity advice for beginner bloggers.
Since you’re someone who is determined to stay motivated as a newbie blogger, remember this: your blog is your show window to the outer world.
And your blog posts give you the free chance to market your experience and knowledge.
Your readers will surely use these articles to assess how knowledgeable you are about your product.
But if you post very few articles, how will your readers ever know what you know? What you’re good at? Or what you can offer?
5. Boost Your Self-Belief As A Blogger
What happens does not cause discouragement.
Discouragement results from how you decide to interpret what occurs.
If you have a strong sense of motivation, you can overcome obstacles in life and motivate yourself to keep moving forward, make new experiences for yourself, and focus on your development.
You become exhausted if you dwell on your inadequacies for too long. But the good news is that you can re-energize yourself and find your flow by investing more time in your areas of strength.
In fact, you can develop at your best when you focus on your strengths. Find activities that you can do all day long and that you truly enjoy, and seize every opportunity to do more of them. Success reinforces itself, which gives you a boost in momentum.
All motivation ultimately boils down to self-motivation, and increasing your self-awareness helps you become more motivated.
Successful bloggers follow this practice, even when responding to reader comments.
They are aware that while some readers will like you, others will criticize you.
Successful bloggers, however, choose to emphasize the good.
6. As A Newbie Blogger Start A Blog Content Plan.
What’s A Good Content Plan
Blogging is more than just regular publishing on a specific topic.
Instead, you must have a solid content strategy in place if you want to start and maintain a successful blog.
This strategy should contain all the information relevant to upcoming blog posts. It must feature a plan for social media, community building, publishing timetables, and lots more.
In actuality, it is hard to keep your site popular without this specific plan. Moreover, without it, the quality of your articles won’t be consistent.
Unfortunately, many bloggers don’t deliberately plan their content.
Rather, blog posts are randomly created from content ideas that are planned on the spot. In fact, no blog post has any meaningful goal that’s in sync with the overall blog strategy.
The publication of yet another blog post is, perhaps the only goal.
That of course is poor planning. And it tends to reduce your motivation in the long term because of low audience engagement.
If your blog is just a fun project, this approach is understandable. But if you’re serious about blogging, you need to start thinking of it as a business and carefully plan for it.
Consistency In Blog Posting
A good content plan also focuses on the regularity of blog posting.
Consistent blog posting increases the creation of leads and site traffic. That does not imply, however, that quantity is always more important than quality.
A vast content collection is helpful, but each blog article needs to be well-written and pertinent to your readership
But what if you publish four blogs in a month and then go four months without publishing anything? Truth be told, that is not an “SEO-smart” choice.
But what’s the best course of action here?
So the solution is straightforward.
Work on topics you are passionate about. If you write about your passion, you will never become bored.
You can also consider if you want to post on your blog daily, or less than that because there are pros and cons to both.
7. Have A Business Plan For Your Blog.
Does my blog really require a business plan?
Yes, your blog does really require a business plan.
You need to have a strategy in place for your blog, just like you would for any other business. In fact, this aspect also complements the need for a blog content plan that we covered previously.
Before you even consider earning $90,000 per month from your blog, you need to start respecting it like a business rather than just a hobby.
This not only enhances your chances of long-term success but in the initial days, it also helps you stay motivated as a newbie blogger.
What exactly does a blog business plan cover?
Your blog business plan is essentially a road map that outlines the purpose of your blog. And this is what helps you navigate the storm.
Having a blog business plan keeps you on course and helps you set clear business goals.
It mostly focuses on three factors:
1. Content creation. Having a repetitive strategy for content publication
2. Traffic generation. Regularly attracting traffic
3. Monetization. Making money from the traffic through several sources.
A blog business plan spells out your main objectives and gives a step-by-step breakdown of how you intend to get them.
The most important steps in the process of establishing your business are guided by your blog business plan.
How can I write a business plan for my blog?
Set Important Objectives
Whatever objectives you choose to set for yourself, make sure they are as attainable, clearly measurable, and as practical as possible.
Your objectives will enable you to periodically reflect on your progress. And they’re also an excellent incentive for helping you stay motivated as a newbie blogger.
You can, as an example, think about setting the following objectives for your blog over the first year:
- Reaching 5,000 monthly visitors (within 1 year)
- 20 hours a week dedicated to producing and promoting blog content
- Obtaining 500 email addresses (within 6 months)
- Having a blog that generates $500 in revenue (in the first 6 months)
Analyze the Competition
Knowing your competitors always helps you understand the potential your blog business has in your niche.

Here are some pointers:
1. Perform keyword research to identify the best words and phrases for which you want your blog to appear in Google results.
2. Pay close attention to the articles and websites that are currently appearing on the first few pages of those search results.
3. Review their information. Find any advertisements, links to affiliate programs, things they are selling, or other forms of revenue.
Plan for Profitability
The key idea is that because your blog is your most important business asset, you need to carefully consider the choices you’re making and the settings you’re making.
Pay close attention to the name of your domain and get a domain name that preferably corresponds with your brand or blogging topic.
Write insightful articles based on real-world people. That also entails being transparent.
Pay close attention to how your blog looks and feels. This is referred to as blog aesthetics.
Aesthetics has a lot to do with making your blog visually appealing. So create a blog layout that is both appealing, and simple to use for your target audience.
And how do aesthetics and good writing influence you?
Well, eventually you’re likely to stay motivated as a newbie blogger when you receive a positive response from your readers. That’s because of your content quality, and the blog’s look and feel.
Remember readers can detect right away whether a blogger is being defensive or expressing sincerity from the heart.
Create a Traffic Strategy Map
Create reputable backlinks. Using guest blogging to accomplish this is a good option.
Because the content you post on other websites informs new audiences about you, guest posting is a great strategy to increase brand awareness.
You can connect with trustworthy websites using this method. Afterward, they often provide links to your blog.
And this sends a good message to search engines that are assessing the reliability and trustworthiness of a website.
This will eventually aid in raising your content’s organic search ranks.
Create A Work Process.
If you don’t keep to the periods you’ve set aside for working on your blog, no amount of planning will help.
You must choose from the start:
- How many hours per day (and per week) you can devote to your blog business without risk
- Establish blank spaces on your calendar for the precise time blocks you’ll be using each day in order to honor the commitment you’ve made to the development of your blog.
- Be aware that how much time you can devote to blogging will affect how much money you can make.
As Hal Elrod says in his book, The Miracle Equation about the importance of scheduling a process, “decide what the process is, commit to that process. Put it in your schedule nothing more nothing less.”
Publish and Keep Focusing On Your Audience
Look into your audience. Learn about their pain points and the things that really get under their skin.
They will come to your website in droves every time you upload a new article. That is if you write posts that are helpful to them in these areas.
And this is fantastic for you as a blogger. Why? Because this way, you stay motivated as a newbie blogger
Your blog’s main goal is to make a real difference in people’s lives and help them.
With this goal, you’ll be able to market your blog posts in a genuine, relevant way that encourages reader interaction.
They will interact with you more as a result of your efforts to involve them in the discourse.
This holds true for both your blog and your social media pages.
Your blog plan will evolve over time in response to your readership and their demands, so make adjustments as necessary. And as your reader engagement improves, so will your motivation.
Remember, it’s your own job as a newbie blogger to keep yourself motivated.
8.Continue to Update and Post New Blog Content
When you regularly publish new content and update your blog, search engines will also give it a priority.
If you have a committed and frequent visitor base to your website, frequent publishing is also a smart idea.
They will be more likely to visit your site regularly if it consistently features new, fresh content.
According to Orbitmedia.com updating old posts improves your chances of results 3x more.
The reason for this is that not every reader has read every piece you’ve ever written.
Your most valuable blog posts can live longer if you update a few of your more established evergreen articles.
This improves the results it consistently produces over time.
Here, accuracy is a key consideration. The fact is there are a number of aspects of content that might become dated and stale over time.
Check the accuracy of a previous post and decide what needs to be changed, added, or eliminated.
9.Create Really Interesting Blog Content
Now, engaging content can be both informative and interesting at the same time.
The top bloggers concur that an exact argument or “fact” doesn’t have as much of an influence. The best story or narrative, though, does.
A well-known fitness-focused blogger has a unique method of making articles entertaining.
He constantly examines the subject through the eyes of history, biology, sociology, psychology, and other disciplines.
Consequently, his articles are unique, and his posts’ perspectives are always interesting.
He asserts that doing so is the most effective technique to maintain interest in writing about outdated subjects that are disregarded by others.
It’s an excellent technique for a newbie blogger to maintain motivation.
Avoid Long Winding Sentences
The unfortunate truth is that people don’t like to read dense, tiresome stuff. What they like is engaging content .
And you can easily improve your content’s readability and make it engaging by producing short, to-the-point paragraphs.
This also ensures you stay motivated as a newbie blogger because you’re learning a new skill of writing precise, short paragraphs.
Therefore, make sure to edit your content for simplicity and clarity before hitting the publish button.
Remember good writing is simple, easy, and clear. So what is the goal of writing simply and clearly?
The goal is to use powerful words.
It should come as no surprise that clear writing is not about using fewer words. Instead, it’s about using the best words.
However, content creators frequently make the mistake of using complex words and phrases, to impress their readers. Yet sometimes this makes sentences weaker. Besides, it is also hard for the reader.
10. To Stay Motivated As A Newbie Blogger Avoid The “Mad Blogger Mode”
Sometimes new bloggers enter a mode called “mad blogger mode” without even realizing it.
What is the mad blogger mode?
The mad blogger mode happens when you constantly worry about your blog while you eat, rest, and dream. You become restless, and eventually unproductive.
This could lead to blogger burnout, especially if you’re doing it out of a feeling of stress.
Blogger burnout occurs when a person blogs late into the night and gets less than five hours of sleep.

Your daily or weekly agenda has no time for self-care. Your mail perhaps has not been checked for a week.
Family life starts to deteriorate.
In such instances of great demand, the typical human reaction is frequently panic, hurry, and hasty decision-making.
A blogger who is exhausted and pressed for time will invariably publish content that falls short of their usual excellent standards.
Creating content can put a lot of strain on you.
Particularly, if you believe that you must do it as frequently as humanly feasible. The fear is to avoid the drop in traffic.
But since we are not machines, we cannot always perform at super high levels.
It’s acceptable to take a vacation from time to time in order to gain some perspective, discover fresh ideas, and refuel your creative energy.
11. Money: A Powerful Motivator For Newbie Bloggers
The majority of us started our blogs in order to establish a secondary source of income. And this is a perfectly normal objective.
More than anything else, this objective helps you stay motivated as a newbie blogger. You stay on course for the long haul.
For those who are truly committed, it can be a means to supplement their existing full-time salary and avoid the 9–5 drudgery entirely.
Others use blogging as an additional channel to connect with their ideal client.
The quickest approach to discovering how to establish a blog and generate money is to adhere to a tested process.
You can learn how to monetize your blog with digital marketing in the post titled “Earn Money From Blogging Like A Business In 2022.”
Remember that your aim is to get to the stage where you can start earning money from your site.
I’m bringing this up again since I’ve learned from observation that newbies frequently devote too much energy to creating the “ideal blog.”
They fail to remember that there is no incoming traffic at the beginning.
As a result, nobody, not even Google, is interested in the aesthetics of your website.
Remember that very few people launch a blog only for the purpose of blogging, with no intention of making money.
The “so-called” hobby bloggers eventually end up quitting their blogs after a few months or decide to make money from them.
12.As A Newbie Blogger Decide To Stay Motivated: Don’t Ever Think Of Quitting
Before you, there have been tens of thousands of bloggers who have succeeded despite several setbacks.
However, the blogging world would not have been the same if they had lost hope.
All successful bloggers fully agree that, as long as they don’t lose confidence, their failures invariably result in their greatest successes.
Therefore, to stay motivated as a newbie blogger, all you have to do is keep your eyes on the prize.
Also, on your blogging journey, keep in mind that opportunity always follows disappointment.
Hence instead of getting discouraged, consider what you may gain from the situation. Ask yourself “what would I gain from this experience?”
Remember, not everything goes according to plan in any venture.
On certain days, everything seems to go wrong.
It’s critical to stay motivated through these challenging times and to keep in mind that “every difficulty holds the seeds of an equivalent or greater gain.”
Remember the great bloggers who succeeded. Do you think they never faced the same problems as you?
Of course, they did. But they didn’t run away from their blogs! They simply stood their ground and fought every inch.
Let me put it this way.
Would you abandon your loved ones, your spouse, or your kids? Obviously no.
Why then would you abandon your beloved blog?
Don’t underestimate yourself so quickly. Even if you’re a newbie blogger.
And resist accepting discouragement from others. Your blog is your own big dream. Hence you need to support your dream yourself.
Avoid depending on ignorant people for encouragement.
Moreover, the value of your dream is far greater than it seems to you right now.
Always keep in mind that you can do everything you set your mind to. Your goals for your blog and your dreams are worthwhile for this reason.
13. To Stay Motivated As A Newbie Blogger Don’t Compare Yourself To Other Bloggers.
Focus On Inspiration; Not Comparison
As a blogger, we frequently contrast our backstage work with someone else’s big moment.
We frequently overlook the countless hours other bloggers worked hard at achieving their victories.
And we then timidly accept the feelings of defeat and inability.
Instead here’s what you can do to stay motivated as a newbie blogger. Use the stories of successful bloggers to inspire you instead of allowing their success to make you feel bad about yourself.
Interestingly, other bloggers can help you indirectly a lot.
Remember they can serve as an example of what you can be, do, and have in life. That is, if you have a positive outlook toward your blogging challenges
Take A Periodic Detox From Social Media.
We neglect to take into account the fact that we frequently contrast our own low points with someone else’s high points.
Social media can be an amazing place to look for motivation.
If it makes you feel inadequate, insecure, or frustrated, decide to detox.
Here’s the secret – make sure social media is under your control and not the other way around.
Realize That As A Newbie Blogger, You’re Not Perfect
There will always be a blogger who is more knowledgeable and experienced than you. The answer is not to strive for perfection. Nobody is completely perfect. And as a novice blogger, keep in mind that you are still learning.
Therefore, embrace all of your flaws and shortcomings rather than blaming yourself for them.
Accept your newbie blogger’s imperfection and you’ll be freed.
Accept that you’re not an expert at SEO, unable to obtain backlinks, unsure of how to promote on social media, etc. at first.
Once you’ve carefully come to terms with these technological shortcomings, start outlining your constructive plans for improvement.
In fact, a lot of successful and experienced bloggers still follow this approach to their imperfections. I’m sure you also can do the same in order to stay motivated as a newbie blogger
Learn To Compete With Yourself Instead Of Others.
True specialists and champions in a field are few.
It’s not necessary to be the greatest at something. Instead, You can celebrate even tiny progress.
We can feel better about the development of our own blog over time if we recognize that there will always be bloggers who are better than us.
Therefore, concentrate on the goals of your blog rather than how you stack up against other bloggers.
How have your SEO, traffic, and monetization performed since this time last year?
Have they improved? Great.
If not, get down and start making minor improvements to your plan right away.
You’ve accomplished a lot in the last year with your blog, learned a lot, made progress, and generated a lot. Don’t forget that, and keep encouraging yourself.
14. Try Writing About Absolutely fascinating Subjects
You really enjoy writing on a subject in which you have a great deal of interest. That’s simply because You have something valuable to say. You relish sharing your knowledge with others.
You’ll also start to notice that you establish yourself as an authority in your field, which is incredibly advantageous.
You can benefit others immensely by sharing your worth and skills.
The truth is that the better you are at what you are doing, the more financial success you’ll have.
For instance, professional athletes earn significantly more money than high-ranking, indifferent business executives.
So, here’s the thing.
Being incredibly good at what you do is the secret to financial success.
As a newbie blogger, this is also particularly true for you.
Because when you’re passionate about your topic, you can use your own personal experiences to help people relate to your content.
You’ll be eager to share fresh ideas and learnings with your readers.
Depending on your blog’s niche, you can launch products, provide coaching, or create a well-known paid membership site using this authority.
15. Network With Other Bloggers.
There are several benefits to cultivating good relationships with other prosperous bloggers.
It frequently results in informative exchanges on important issues in your industry.
You can discuss recent trends, innovative marketing techniques, original content concepts, and more.
Most importantly, developing networks with other successful bloggers is essential for inspiration and encouragement. If not anything, it will surely help you stay motivated as a newbie blogger
These contacts have often worked to the advantage of many bloggers in their profession.
However, the fact is that connecting with other bloggers can be challenging for a beginner blogger.
Not to worry there are a few strategies to help you draw in more established bloggers.
Join Relevant LinkedIn and Facebook groups.
You can reach a sizable number of people who share your interests thanks to groups on LinkedIn and Facebook.

These could be potential customers or other bloggers.
So, make use of these platforms to grow your network. Establish your influence in the community, start discussions, and learn.
Don’t forget to demonstrate your thorough knowledge of the subject in your comments on Facebook and LinkedIn groups. The process is similar to commenting on other people’s blog posts.
Swap Guest Posts
Another name for guest blogging is “guest posting.”
It is the process of creating content for a blog or website owned by someone else. In order to increase attention to their own website, guest bloggers typically write for blogs in their field that are similar to their own.
This way they increase their domain authority by adding external links to sites with high domain authorities.
The best feature about guest blogging is that it helps both parties.
It provides the writer a chance to reach a larger audience with their writing. This is particularly beneficial for newbie bloggers.
According to Neil Patel guest blogging helps you gain authority in your industry.
However, guest blogging also proves to be the best method for establishing connections with other bloggers
16. Be Bold To Stay Motivated As A Newbie Blogger
The Story Of The Burnt Bridge
Here’s an interesting story.
A long time ago, a general marched his warriors to the outskirts of enemy territory.
And just before the enemy’s kingdom, the general ordered his troops to construct a bridge to the opposing side.
Once his entire army had crossed the bridge, he turned around and set the bridge on fire.
Since they were left with no option to escape, his troops clearly looked panicked. What would they do if they lost the battle?
So, he informed them that since the bridge was on fire the only option left for them was to win this battle.
The general did not consider failure an option.
And that worked out well for him because his troops ultimately came out victorious in the battle.
But now let’s cut to your own blog.
What metaphorical bridges do you need to burn for your blog?
And why burn bridges for your blog?
So that doubt can no longer stop you from succeeding as a blogger. So that nothing can interfere with your dreams!
The Strategy Of Blogging Boldly For Success
Now, this strategy for staying motivated as a newbie blogger is almost similar to the general’s story.
And it’s particularly effective for the bold among the newbies.
The process takes a bit of courage initially but pays off handsomely in the long term.
The trick is simple.
Invest so much in your blog that you cannot quit abruptly. That’s it.
For those who can afford it, it’s often a very powerful strategy.
It not only keeps you from quitting but also helps you stay motivated as a newbie blogger.
You can add your variations, but this is how it goes, for instance.
- Invest in the priciest hosting and domain possible.
- Start by spending money on an excellent web designer to create a blog that looks amazing.
- Spend on excellent content writers to assist your own content marketing.
- Invest in the best keyword research tools in the market.
That’s going to cost you a bit of money.
But money aside, you’ll be inspired to keep blogging with such a commitment, right?
Surely, try it if you can afford it. It’s worked for many bold bloggers in the past.
The fact is you will find that with such a heavy commitment, continuing to blog feels a little simpler. Particularly if you’ve already paid for a domain and a full year’s worth of hosting.
17. Read More About Other Successful Bloggers
Reading varied content does have a profound impact on your own writing as well.
This is what Neil Patel says about the benefit of reading diverse content “What and how we read influences what and how we write. If you are sick and tired of writing, then what about reading? Again, the power of difference can be the catalyst”.
If you’re used to reading material that only discusses your industry, try reading something from a different industry
The best method of learning is by observation of others, followed by application.
That’s why reading about well-known bloggers when you’re feeling down is so motivating for an aspiring blogger.
How Other Bloggers Struggled
In my opinion, reading about other bloggers is the most effective and long-lasting strategy to stay motivated as a newbie blogger
Make sure you read about their struggles to overcome obstacles and advance to the top.

Read about how they didn’t give up and used their setbacks as a learning experience.
Understand how they continued to work hard and bounced back to succeed eventually.
Read about people like Jon Morrow who have succeeded in earning millions from blogging. That, too, despite being disabled. Succeeding at blogging is no easy task when you’re wheelchair-bound for life because you’re paralyzed from your neck down. That’s what Jon was faced with. But he persisted with blogging, in order to succeed.
There’s an interesting writeup about Jon in the article “The Most Profitable Blogs On The Internet: 21 Lessons From The Richest Bloggers”
Inspiration To succeed Like Other Bloggers
When you read about the most successful blogs on the internet, you then realize something critical to success. That even really successful bloggers have to start their blogs from scratch at some point.
And if they were able to accomplish and succeed so far anyway, you can too.
This feeling, in my opinion, functions as a wonderful stimulant. Especially when you’re having trouble motivating yourself as a beginner blogger.
Reading For Assessing Your Own Blog
You can begin to analyze your own blog by starting to read a variety of blogs.
Keep in mind that most authors read extensively in addition to writing.
Similarly, as a blogger, you should read blogs other than your own in addition to updating your own.
The benefit is that you can pick up writing techniques from the bloggers that write for such blogs.
You can assess what appeals to you and what keeps you reading other people’s blogs.
Most importantly, over time, you learn to create exceptional content consistently .
18. Ensure You’re Giving Readers A Ton Of Value.
According to Searchenginejournal high-value content is that which is comprehensive, useful, helpful educational, accurate, and answers the user’s query.
So what this requires of you is to deliver to your audience everything you know.
Also, make sure you’re providing your readers with value on a consistent basis. Don’t keep anything back at all.
You’ll eventually have a large readership and many thousands of page views.
On social media, including Pinterest and Instagram, you may gradually build hundreds of followers.
But up until then, focus solely on earning your readers’ respect.
You’ll have to demonstrate your expertise to your readers in order to achieve this.
If you withhold information, you cannot do that.
Newbie bloggers frequently fail to provide value.
They often commit the error of “becoming more interesting.” They use strategies like brilliant vocabulary.
Great vocabulary and hip terms are certainly not a bad thing, but they are not the primary way to attract attention.
Instead, you can attract attention by being accurate, brief, and clear. In fact, you should consider accuracy, brevity, and clarity as the ABCs of writing good blogs.
Writing clearly is saying only what is necessary, not more or less. This generates extremely engaging content.
However, this kind of engaging content only comes with practice and applying some guaranteed strategies.
This kind of writing not only adds value to your readers but also helps you stay motivated as a newbie blogger.
Eventually, value addition and great content mean putting the appropriate words in the proper context.
It involves eliminating clutter and being straightforward rather than showy.
19. Get A Blogging Buddy As An Accountability Partner
Blog buddies serve as a source of support. They can offer assistance or work with you to come up with a solution.
In an otherwise isolated situation, blog buddies provide a support network.
They encourage you to perform so that you won’t pull the covers over your head and go back into bed.
Your blog buddies provide you with a fresh viewpoint.
The reason is that you might be too close to your blog to notice the subpar grammar, careless word choice, and other errors you make. So every blogger needs this.
Blogging buddies provide you a confidant who understands what you’re doing.
While your spouse or closest mate might try to be supportive, it’s probable that their efforts will fall short because they lack the necessary blog experience.
It can be beneficial to collaborate with a blogger who has similar expertise to you.That’s because it additionally gives you a sounding board and a network of supporters.
Even if your early achievements aren’t as impressive as you had planned, a blog buddy can help you stay motivated.
Current and previous coworkers and acquaintances from Twitter chats are useful people to turn to.
In fact, even bloggers from social media meetings, classes, or meetups are some areas to hunt for a blog buddy.
20.Connect With Bloggers On Social Media To Stay Motivated As A Newbie Blogger
According to Oberlo.com there are currently 600 million blogs on the internet out of 1.7 billion websites.
With such huge competition from the blogging world, it may seem like a Herculean task to succeed at blogging.
So how do you beat this stiff competition? What do you do in order to stay motivated as a newbie blogger?
By enlisting help from other bloggers. Right?
Well here’s what you need to do. Tap into social media.
Connect with influencers and other bloggers on social media.
But the precaution you must take is to avoid using social media during working hours. You must disable your social media notifications for this.
Likewise with your email.
The wisest course of action is, in reality, to just check your email once or twice every day. It’s usually good enough once before you start working and once more when the day is over.
However, once you’ve finished creating content for your blog for the day, you should connect with other bloggers in your niche on social media.
One of the most popular social networking sites is Instagram.
Remember, Instagram has over a billion daily active users, and bloggers post a wide range of content there.
As a consequence, you should consider using this platform as a means of increasing blog exposure.
You can use this platform to share original, thought-provoking blog content in a variety of creative ways. This includes videos, pictures, reels, and live broadcasts.
People frequently exchange news, facts, updates, and trends on LinkedIn.
The preferred social media site for professionals is regarded as LinkedIn.
Many bloggers effectively present their skills on LinkedIn.They also establish valuable business relationships along the process.
You could, for instance, write articles for your LinkedIn profile and post links to them on your blog.
Pinterest is fantastic for increasing visitors to your blog.
It first began as a social media site that appeared to target the female population.
It’s actually one of the ideal social media platforms for bloggers because it increases the visibility of your blog.
But since then, it has expanded and become a platform that everybody uses.
Today’s audience includes companies, bloggers, and consumers who simply enjoy visual content.
You can pique the attention of your audience and encourage them to visit your site.
You can even present remarkable graphics and photos that go along with your blog content.
Newbie bloggers can showcase the visual components of their personal brand on Pinterest by linking to their blog posts.
In fact, in order to stay motivated as a newbie blogger, I would encourage everyone to try out Pinterest and it’s near-instant impact.
Interestingly, YouTube is the second most popular search engine after Google.
These days, people adore video content and demand more of it.
It’s a well-known fact today, that viewers are more likely to watch a brief video than read a blog post of 500 words.
Remember YouTube is primarily a video platform, and it fits the bill very well.
Hence YouTube is a crucial social media site that you should use to promote your blog (as a newbie blogger who needs extra motivation).
It’s notable that on YouTube, users search for anything and anything, (including blogs).
21. Attend Live Conferences And Events For Bloggers.
According to Justasimplehome.com, you should make attending a blogging conference a priority.

It’s a community unlike any other, full of people coming together to support and inspire one another.
A blogger conference or event is an excellent method to meet people in person and network away from the computer.
You’ll frequently have access to amazing educational opportunities. You could connect with brands and other bloggers in your niche through networking.
The Blog Societies Conference, for example, helps bloggers succeed. Through industry resources, they facilitate the development of relationships.
And it supports the growth and expansion of your creative blog business.
It’s noteworthy that going to a blogging conference, in the beginning, can teach you a boatload about the blogging world.
Interestingly such conferences have helped scores of aspiring bloggers to stay motivated as a newbie blogger
However, most importantly, through blogging conferences, you’ll develop priceless contacts.
1. What is the most Inspiring tip to stay motivated as a newbie blogger?
The most inspiring advice for a newbie blogger is that they should increase their credibility.
Credible- blogging can open up a lot of lucrative business prospects.
Let’s take the example where you launch a blog in the fitness niche. As readers begin to read your posts, your fitness blog grows in popularity. You are now well-known in the fitness industry.
Once you gain that credibility, people could contact you about collaborating together, for say, on a workout regimen for developing your core muscles.
Alternatively, you could charge for speaking at fitness workshops.
Remember all this is possible because you decided to blog with credibility, which increases your Goole EAT Score as well
2. What is the strategy to stay motivated as a newbie blogger when your blog isn’t making enough money or profit?
For every blogger who loses motivation, comparison is the biggest roadblock.
The comparison game is terrible, and this is especially true if you’re just starting out or if you’ve been blogging for some time but haven’t seen any results.
It’s important to quit comparing your statistics, page views, and money with those of others in forums, or Facebook groups .
Instead, pay attention to the small victories.
You need to keep your motivation up throughout those initial months of struggle by focusing on the tiny victories.
Keep track of every little thing, including any money you earn from blogging and any reader appreciation.
3. How do bloggers stay motivated?
As a blogger, connecting with your readers is the best method to maintain your motivation. In fact, selecting the right audience is critical.
You need to learn more about the preferences of your audience.
Experts always advise about being aware of their problems, goals, needs, and interests. This really increases the value of your content for your readers.
You can also base your content entirely on these factors.
And, if you do establish a connection with your audience, you’ll be inspired to produce more content for them.
In essence, publishing content that your target audience will value will help you write for that audience.
That’s why, as a newbie blogger you have to make sure you get to know your target audience well.
4. What is the most common mistake for first-time bloggers?
The main reason your blog isn’t successful is that you lack discipline.
The majority of bloggers take the time to create goals, write plans, and set priorities.
All of that stuff is excellent.
However, they fail to achieve their objectives due to one important factor—they lack the perseverance to stick to their plans.
Consistency is therefore the key to blogging success. And if you lack it you cannot stay motivated as a newbie blogger for very long.
Critical mistakes that cause your blog to fail, include:
- Failure to produce compelling and valuable content
- Inconsistent blog post-publication.
- Failure to attract traffic
- Incorrect keyword planning
5. How often should a beginner blogger post?
Compared to bloggers who don’t post every day, daily bloggers are more likely to succeed.
But there are other factors that determine a blog’s performance in addition to daily posts.
Along with promotion and keywords, the relevance of your articles is one of the most crucial elements.
Your publishing frequency should at the very least be once per week. You may like to read the article “Daily Posts, Or Less?: How You Can Choose the Best Blog Posting Frequency“.
6. As a newbie blogger, how do you motivate yourself to blog when you are feeling demotivated?
- Avoid comparing yourself to other bloggers as a newbie.
- Be clear about the motivation behind your goals.
- Keep in mind that there is adequate room on the internet for all bloggers. Don’t succumb to a scarcity mentality while blogging.
- Learn to get over your insecurities.
- As a beginning blogger, write about your passions to keep yourself inspired.
- You need to have a business plan for your blog.
7. How can one stay motivated as a newbie blogger when so few people read your posts?
You must constantly remind yourself that although no one may be reading your blog right now, that will not last forever.
Moreover, the majority of successful bloggers experienced the same initial period of low readership. Yet they made the decision to persist.
Because they chose to keep posting, they eventually succeeded while others failed. There is no other quick-fix formula for success at blogging.
Like any other field, blogging first requires an uphill climb. Later, as you experience success, things just continue to get better.
The best tip for staying on track is to imitate other successful bloggers and apply their success ideas.
8. Is money the main motivation to start a blog?
Money is certainly an important motivation for blogging. The harsh truth is that for most bloggers without a monetary goal in place, their best content doesn’t emerge.
However, exceptions are always true.
Yet here’s the interesting part. While making money is an important goal, it’s definitely not the first thing to focus on. Instead, in the beginner stages you must focus on providing great value to your readers. Make this a habit, because it will invariably profit you in the long term.
Spend more time and energy on improving your blogging skills.
This includes content creation, promotion, guest posting, SEO, keyword research, and reading other blogs, etc.
9. What should a beginner blogger be concerned about most?
More and more expert bloggers emphasize the same thing repeatedly- focus on your audience.
This is what Brian Clark of Copyblogger says “Understand your audience better than they understand themselves. It takes a lot of upfront research, and often means being a member of the very tribe you’re trying to lead – but it pays off”
The takeaway as a beginner blogger is that writing for your audience is very crucial. Hence you need to know them better than anyone else. That’s when you’ll be able to serve them well.
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You certainly need to stay motivated as a newbie blogger, especially when you’re not gaining traction in the initial days.
However, the encouraging fact is that you can learn to be motivated and inspired for blogging.
Staying motivated as a newbie blogger is easier said than done because there are very few resources to help your motivation. It’s even more critical when you’re not earning anything in the initial stages.
So the motivation for blogging is fuel for success, and it’s all up to you to fill yourself up with the necessary motivation for blogging.
And my suggestion is that you must learn to stay motivated in case you’re serious about your goals.
Learn to focus on your goals time and again, learn to ignore people who want to discourage you, and learn to stick with an accountability partner.
The most important aspect of all is that you, as a newbie blogger, should stay clear of comparison. That is a luxury you simply cannot afford.
Instead of comparison focus on your own progress and achievements so far. And remember that comparison stems from a scarcity mentality, not an abundance mentality.
Also, when you blog from an abundance mentality, instead of a scarcity mentality, you find it much easier to stay motivated as a newbie blogger.